b'BACK TO NAVIGATIONBUSINESS2.0 1.8 Total Business Travel GHG EmissionsTRAVEL 1.8 1.8 Australia, the impact of COVID restrictions has reduced1.0emissions from transport by 13 per cent however with the removal0.8 0.5of many of these controls national travel has begun to increase. 0.60.4 0.1In the year to March 2022, transport accounted for 17.5 per cent0.2of Australias national inventory. (Source: Quarterly Update of0.0 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022Australias National Greenhouse Gas Inventory: March 2022). TheTravel GHG Emissionstransport sector includes emissions from the direct combustion of fuels by road, rail, sea and aviation transport. At the same time, global air travel accounts for only two to three per cent of Greenhouse Gas Emissions. Business Flight GHG EmissionsThe primary fuels used for transport are petrol, diesel oil, liquefied2.0 1.8 1.8petroleum gas (LPG) and aviation fuel. 1.81.6 1.4While domestic air travel for business and recreation was severely1.4affected by the COVID restrictions, freight and other transportation1.2Tonnesof goods continued by air and was often supplemented by road. AusLSA Member Performance 0.60.4 0.1Border closures and lockdowns had meant that air travel almost0.2ceased while COVID restrictions were in place, but after two years0.0of massive reductions, this year, emissions from business travel2018 2019 2020 2021 2022began to grow. Flights GHG EmissionsBusiness travel emissions per employee increased from 0.12 tonnes per person last year to 0.52 tonnes per person this year, an increase2022 TOTAL TRAVEL of 310 per cent. However, this level is substantially less than theirTonnes C0 2 -e per employee for all firmspre COVID level of 1.8 tonnes per person.The recent experience of law firms conducting business without0.54 high travel emissions provides an important precedent asAVERAGEfirms consider opportunities to control growth in post-COVID greenhouse gas emissions. The good news is that travel emissions are still only 28 per cent of pre-COVID levels, and firms should benefit from more widespread video-conferencing tools and other wide-area audio and video technologies.0.005.10 MINIMUM MAXIMUM69'