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Working collaboratively to promote sustainable practice across the legal sector

AusLSA Climate Action Co-Lab -Session Two - 05 September

08 August 2023 4:32 PM | Richard Jennings (Administrator)

Carbon Accounting and Supply Chain Emissions

AusLSA Members are invited to the next installment of the AusLSA Climate Action Co-Lab

Carbon Accounting and Supply Chain Emissions

Tuesday 05 September, 12:15 PM - 1:45 PM (AEST)


Understanding the greenhouse gas emissions that result from law firms running their business and servicing their clients is a critical part of planning for emissions reduction. Unfortunately, getting complete high-quality information to set priorities and measure the impacts of our reduction efforts is not straightforward.

Join us to discuss the greenhouse gas measurement we currently do and what more we need to learn to understand our emissions


  • Introduction – Why measurement matters
  • One law firm’s experience with GHG data
  • Questions/Discussion
  • Overview of emissions sources
  • Direct emissions
  • Indirect emissions
  • Scope Three categories
  • Key supply chain emissions for law firms
  • Addressing supply chain emissions
  • Questions/Discussion
  • Next session introduction – Climate programs and the Science-Based Targets Initiative

Tuesday 05 September, 12:15 PM - 1:45 PM (AEST)

We look forward to seeing you there!

Richard Jennings

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