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Working collaboratively to promote sustainable practice across the legal sector

Session Three - Science Based Targets Initiative (SBTi) and Net Zero GHG Targets

06 November 2023 9:49 AM | Richard Jennings (Administrator)

The Science Based Targets Initiative (SBTi) program has emerged as the dominant global standard for organizations that are planning and committing to meaningful Greenhouse reduction action and reductions.

The AusLSA Climate Action Co-Lab discussed the SBTi program and how firms can adopt and benefit from this approach

The session program included -

  • The origins context of net zero and science-based targets
  • Who are the SBTi?
  • What does SBTi offer law firms?
  • Corporate SBTi alignment
  • The science-based target-setting approach
  • SBTi target boundaries
  • The SBTi Net Zero Standard components
  • SBTi SME guidance and streamlined process
  • SBTi process overview and key SBTi Net Zero criteria
Review the Presentation HERE 

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