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Working collaboratively to promote sustainable practice across the legal sector

AusLSA Roundtable - Carbon Inventory Using your Finacial Records - Recording

15 November 2022 5:23 PM | Richard Jennings (Administrator)

Measuring your business carbon footprint - Calculating the greenhouse gas emissions from your procurement

Many thanks to Afonso Firmo from Net Nada for showing us how you can use your firm's financial records to estimate your annual greenhouse gas emissions (especially those scope three emissions). 

Watch the roundtable videeao here  HERE 

With increasing expectations on carbon footprint and carbon neutrality disclosures and certifications, law firms need to understand all the emissions involved in providing their products and services.

Whilst some emissions are easy to measure, information about others is harder to obtain and more complex. This can make it harder and more expensive to develop a climate action strategy and avoid greenwashing.

Netnada is an innovative start-up that has developed a tool that allows your firm to tap into the power of your financial accounts to identify, reduce, and communicate the emissions from your firm.


Afonso Firmo is an environmental engineer and the co-founder of NetNada, a sustainability software company supported by the University of NSW and Skalata Ventures. He is a serial entrepreneur, business and innovation academic, and recipient of an Australian Global Talent visa at 25. As a migrant with international ESG experience, Afonso is ambitious about the opportunity to bring a different lens and technology to tackle the complex problem of democratising access to sustainability.

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