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Working collaboratively to promote sustainable practice across the legal sector


21 May 2013 2:44 PM | Anonymous member

Pangolin is an Energy and carbon management consultancy

We help our clients achieve cost savings and competitiveness through energy efficiencies and greenhouse gas reductions.

Our core services include:
  • Energy audits
  • Comprehensive greenhouse gas (GHG) assessments,verifications and assurance
  • Carbon tax modelling
  • Compliance with government schemes such as the
  • National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting Act (NGER),and the National Carbon Offset Scheme (NCOS)
  • Carbon offsetting advice, including the supply of carbon
  • credits and Australian GreenPower.
Our scientific team has comprehensive experience and the highest level of environmental accreditations. Our auditors are registered under the Federal Government’s Department
of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency.

Pangolin is an Australian-owned company working with all levels of business and government in Australia, New Zealand and globally. We also team up with a select group of trusted partners to provide additional services and products outside of our core offerings.

© 2018  |  Australian Legal Sector Alliance Limited  |  ABN 84 149 507 577  |  3/162 Collins Street Melbourne VIC 3000     |  T: 0425 454 171

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