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Working collaboratively to promote sustainable practice across the legal sector

STRATEGY - CEO Outlook Shows Commitment to Purpose, ESG and Climate

10 September 2021 10:57 AM | Richard Jennings (Administrator)

The KPMG 2021 CEO Outlook finds that 94% of Australian CEOs and 86% of their global counterparts believed that following through with corporate purpose commitments will shape their capital allocation, while 98% of Australian leaders said that purpose drove financial performance.

Corporate purpose was also a key part of Australian businesses' appeal to their workforces, with 86% of Australian CEO saying that purpose was a key part of their 'employee value proposition' and central to building brand reputation and customer relationships. Climate change is also dominating Australian CEOS concerns, with 84% of Australian CEOs saying the November COP26 meeting "must inject necessary urgency into the climate debate, and 77% of leaders both here and overseas believing government stimulus was needed to turbo-charge business climate change investments." Read the FS Sustainability  Article HERE 

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