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Working collaboratively to promote sustainable practice across the legal sector

CLIMATE ACTION – New Net Zero Target Standards released

17 November 2021 2:35 PM | Richard Jennings (Administrator)

The Science Based Target Initiative (SBTi) launched a new Net-Zero Standard last week. This first-ever science-based framework provides companies with a guide for calculating and setting a net-zero target that is verifiable, transparent, and consistent with the latest environmental science and the goals set forth by the Paris Agreement. The standard requires deep decarbonisation of 90-95% of emissions by 2050, and sets out near- and long-term targets for the entire value chain. The remaining 5 to 10% of value chain emissions should be removed from the atmosphere and sequestered in permanent carbon sinks in order to achieve net-zero. In addition, companies are encouraged to invest in carbon offset projects that reduce emissions outside their value chain. While other standards may arise in coming years… the alignment with the Science Based Targets Initiative provides and important benchmark a benchmark. READ MORE

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