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Working collaboratively to promote sustainable practice across the legal sector

VOLUNTEERING – The Value of Volunteer Board Members is Greater than Money

18 November 2021 9:24 AM | Richard Jennings (Administrator)

Mark Pearce, the CEO of Volunteering Australia, offers insights about the important contributions of board members while challenging the view that directors should be compelled to make financial contributions. His article agrues that the experience and expertise of volunteer board directors are critical to help charities meet their legal obligations and charitable purpose. Board directors bring a myriad of skills that a charity might not otherwise have access to, increasing their capacity and capability to deliver on its vision and mission.

Volunteer board directors are an invaluable asset for charities, but  directors also derive a significant benefit from their participation. Board directors have a unique opportunity to have a direct and demonstrable impact on causes they care deeply about. READ THE ARTICLE 

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