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Working collaboratively to promote sustainable practice across the legal sector

June is Wokplace Giving Month - Webinar

18 May 2024 8:14 AM | Kelvin O'Connor (Administrator)

As we approach the end of the financial year, it’s a perfect time to turn the spotlight on workplace giving, especially as we enter the official month for workplace giving in June.

The theme for 2024's Workplace Giving Month is "Giving Stories". This year's campaign encourages individuals, businesses, and charities to tell their workplace giving stories. We are asking everyone to share on social media and within the workplace:

What inspired you to donate to your charities at work?

How does workplace giving make your team and organisation stronger?

What's the impact you're having on the local and wider community?

As workplace giving supporters, we encourage you to weave the giving story theme into your campaign this June.

Workplace Giving Australia are hosting a Webinar around these "Giving Stories" on Wednesday 22 May at noon.

You can register HERE

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