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Working collaboratively to promote sustainable practice across the legal sector

News & Views

  • 21 July 2022 11:07 AM | Richard Jennings (Administrator)

    As part of its overall commitment of achieving net-zero emissions by 2050 across its value chain, with an intermediate target of a 50% reduction in emissions by 2030, IAG, Australia and New Zealand’s largest general insurer, has joined the United Nations convened Net-Zero Insurance Alliance (NZIA). IAG has been a carbon neutral business in relation to its Scope 1 and 2 emissions since 2012, and it has intermediate targets to align its investment portfolio to net-zero emissions by 2050. READ MORE

  • 21 July 2022 10:53 AM | Richard Jennings (Administrator)

    Some popular Australian paper brands are sourced from native forests. Do you know where your paper comes from? To reach net zero, a deforestation-free supply chain is a "scientific necessity", according to a new analysis commissioned by the UN-backed Race to Zero. Deforestation from the forest, land and agricultural industries contributes around 11% of annual global greenhouse gas emissions, according to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Getting companies in these sectors to curb emissions is deemed crucial to limiting global warming. READ MORE

  • 21 July 2022 10:15 AM | Richard Jennings (Administrator)

    In an interview with Lawyers Weekly head of responsible business and ESG at Corrs, Phoebe Wynn-Pope, discusses the potential for changes to meet sustainability commitments such as climate change could have adverse collateral impacts in other areas such as human rights or ecosystem loss. Read More HERE

  • 16 July 2022 4:29 PM | Kelvin O'Connor (Administrator)

    AusLSA member firm King and Wood Mallesons recently released their "Directions 2022" Report in which they said that the rise of Environmental, Social and Governmental issues are now part of 'Business as Usual'.

    Their research in relation to ESG priorities demonstrates that "people" issues relating to creating and maintaining a diverse and inclusive workforce are most important to business leaders, closely followed by building organisational sustainability and managing public commitments to greenhouse gas emissions. Read the report HERE

  • 16 July 2022 3:16 PM | Kelvin O'Connor (Administrator)

    Climate litigation has become an additional instrument used to enforce or enhance global climate commitments.  This continues to grow in importance on a year on year basis as a way of either advancing or delaying effective action on climate change. The Grantham Research Institute in their latest report "Global Trends in Climate Change Litigation 2022" looks at  the past 12 months and concludes that litigation continues to be used by diverse actors around the world as a tool to influence the outcomes of climate governance debates at all levels of government. Read the report HERE

  • 16 July 2022 2:49 PM | Kelvin O'Connor (Administrator)

    The Australian Pro Bono Centre has developed and collected a number of resources  to help lawyers feel equipped to address the climate crisis challenge.
    These tools, available on their website, include a global pro bono climate action portal; a pro bono guide to the climate crisis; a list of Australian civil society organisations who are currently tackling climate change and a compilation of other helpful resources. CLICK HERE TO GO TO THE SITE

  • 13 July 2022 1:39 PM | Kelvin O'Connor (Administrator)

    The latest Workplace Gender Equality Agency report on discrimination states that while the gender pay gap did not further worsen with the COVID pandemic, progress on closing the gap has now stalled.

    Factors affecting the gender pay gap include gender discrimination, family responsibilities, workforce participation and gender segregation. In the latest report entitled "She's Price(d)less", WEGA present key findings and drivers contributing to gender pay gaps, the impact of the pandemic and opportunities for how to close the gaps. See the full report here

  • 30 June 2022 1:41 PM | Richard Jennings (Administrator)

    In 1996, Gilbert + Tobin evolved their services to become the first law firm in Australia, and one of the first in the world, to establish a practice and employ a full-time pro bono lawyer at a time when the firm had only 14 partners.  Last year alone, almost 30,000 volunteer hours were dedicated to pro bono work in over 500 matters.  READ MORE HERE or a  visual 25-year timeline of G+T’s pro bono work can be viewed HERE.

  • 05 May 2022 4:42 PM | Richard Jennings (Administrator)

    It is a good thing that brands want to champion their sustainability credentials. But most Australians don’t believe what they are seeing and hearing according to Who Do You Believe a new report by the Republic of Everyone

    Australians don’t believe brands are doing enough when it comes to social and environmental issues and nearly three out of four Aussies can’t name a single business they believe is leading in sustainability. You can read more HERE or the full report HERE.   

  • 05 May 2022 4:24 PM | Richard Jennings (Administrator)

    A specially convened Governance Institute of Australia working group has developed a new guide for boards and management on the path to net zero. Chief Executive Megan Motto said the guide is designed to be used by senior managers and directors as they build climate into their organisation’s strategy and provides a clear and practical framework to take the next steps on the path to net zero. READ MORE AND DOWNLOAD THE GUIDE

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