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Working collaboratively to promote sustainable practice across the legal sector

Melbourne Sustainability Champions Network

  • 30 October 2014
  • 12:30 PM - 2:00 PM
  • Slater & Gordon, 485 La Trobe Street
  • 7


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Melbourne Sustainability Champions Network

Fit-outs, refits and refurbishments
Join us for lunch to talk about the opportunities for minimising waste and reusing, recycling and upcycling when organising fit-outs and refits.

Hosted by

Special Guest:

Darren Andrews

Co-Founder, Executive Director


Since its inception in 2002, Darren has managed and directed the development of Green Collect to be an innovative solution to the waste we generate.

Darren has worked as an environmental consultant with BP Australia and Australia Post. He has managed the delivery of extensive waste audits for a number of government departments and corporate entities.

Green Collect is a not for profit social enterprise that works for sustainable social & environmental change.

Our mission is to build inclusive workplaces that create sustainable change in the world.

Through the business of resource recovery, Green Collect has created supportive and flexible workplaces that allow people to gain and maintain work through some of life’s most difficult circumstances. We work together with refugee communities, youth at risk and people who have experienced homelessness.

Collection Services 
Green Collect picks up "hard to recycle" items from offices and diverts them from landfill so they can be reused, remade (upcycled) or recycled.

Upcycled Products 
Green Collect's Upcycled Products are cleverly designed to utilise materials sourced through our Collection Service and give discarded items another life. You can buy Upcycled Products by visiting one of our shops or contact us to order bulk.

Green Collective Retail Shops
Green Collect shops in Yarraville & Dandenong stock things that are good for you and good for the earth. We've collected a range of products from around the world with great stories including our own Upcycled Products.

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