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Working collaboratively to promote sustainable practice across the legal sector

UNAA:Sustainability Leadership Series Demographic Transition: Addressing the economic and social impacts of an ageing population: Is there a silver lining?

  • 13 November 2014
  • 1:30 PM - 5:00 PM
  • Melbourne

Demographic Transition Seminar: Addressing the economic and social impacts of an ageing population

The United Nations Association of Australia (Victorian Division) is holding a seminar entitled Demographic Transition: Addressing the economic and social impacts of an ageing population: Is there a silver lining? on Thursday 13th November, 2014, in Melbourne.

Held in partnership with National Australia Bank as part of our Sustainability Leadership Series, this seminar seeks to discuss the opportunities and challenges associated with an ageing society.

It will notably cover how the Australian government together with the corporate and civil society sectors are addressing the impacts of our ageing population on workforce participation and productivity, on our financial and welfare system, including on pensions, and on the provision of aged care and other social services. It will also consider the issue of age discrimination, particularly in the workplace, and how to change business attitudes towards older people.

Seminar details
Date: Thursday 13 November, 2014
Time: 1.30pm Registration/Networking, 2pm-5pm Seminar
Venue: Hosted by National Australia Bank, The Academy (The Bowl Room), 500 Bourke Street, Melbourne
Registration Fees: Please note all fees are inclusive of GST but do not include Trybooking service fee ($0.30).
  • Business/Government: $180
  • Non-profit/Academia: $140
  • UNAA Members: $140
  • Student: $50
  • Registration deadline: 5pm, Tuesday 11 November
Registration and more info

For all enquiries please contact Emeline on 03 9670 7878 or via email.

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