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Working collaboratively to promote sustainable practice across the legal sector

AusLSA Champions Network Forum - Annual Sustainability Reporting

  • 28 April 2016
  • 12:30 PM - 2:00 PM
  • Herbert Smith Freehills - ANZ Tower Level 34 -161 Castlereagh Street Sydney
  • 1


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AusLSA Annual Sustainability Reporting

April's Champion's Network forum will discuss the development of the Australian Legal Sector Alliance's annual sustainability reporting framework.

Over the last three years AusLSA members have advanced from environmental reporting to a sustainability report including the themes of people, community, environment and governance.

  • What are the objectives of the AusLSA report?  
  • What value does the AusLSA report provide?
  • How is AusLSA's reporting framework developed?
  • How does AusLSA prepare the report?
  • What are the strengths opportunities and limitations of our reporting?
  • People, community, environment and governance

This year our eight executive member firms will pilot the latest version of AusLSA sustainability reporting framework.  

This pilot delivers the third stage of the planned and progressive expansion of AusLSA's annual reporting. It will identify and add a range of more quantitative KPIs that demonstrate member's priorities and performance. This pilot will then form the basis on ongoing voluntary sustainability reporting by AusLSA members.

Bring a colleague 

Please encourage your colleagues who share an interest or accountability for your firm's activities and reporting across people, community, environment and governance themes to accompany you to this forum (for example CSR managers/partners, HR managers and strategic planning/reporting functions).   

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