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Working collaboratively to promote sustainable practice across the legal sector

SYDNEY LAUNCH - AusLSA Legal Sector Sustainability Insight 2016

  • 16 November 2016
  • 5:30 PM - 7:30 PM
  • Henry Davis York Lawyers - 44 Martin Place, Sydney
  • 5


  • For staff from law firms that are current members of AusLSA
  • For staff of any Australian law firm

Registration is closed

Sydney Launch
AusLSA Legal Sector Sustainability Insight 2016

Please join the Australian Legal Sector Alliance board and membership to celebrate the release of the 2016 Legal Sector Sustainability Insight. 

This years report is our most comprehensive yet and is a key feature of AusLSA member's unique commitment to industry collaboration and leadership.  

Register now and join us in exploring the benefits to the legal sector and the community that come providing more integrated and transparent sustainability reporting. 

We are very pleased to welcome Mr Stuart Clark, as our keynote speaker. 

About the Report

 The 2016 Legal Sector Sustainability Insight publishes the sustainability performance of over thirty three of Australia's leading law firms. This includes reporting on the most important aspects of People, Community, Environment and Governance

Managing and reporting a the full range of sustainability issues is a growing feature of successful Australian and international organisations and is an increasing expectation of their key customers and stakeholders. 

AusLSA annual reports have been produced every year since 2010. These six reports tell a compelling story about the journey of an increasingly engaged and committed membership.   

with thanks to

Please extend this invitation to your interested colleagues and networks attend this event.

Melbourne Launch

21 November @ Maddocks

This year we are again launching our report in both Melbourne and Sydney. A second invitation to the Melbourne event on 21 November sent separately. 

Key note speaker Stuart Clark

Stuart Clark AM is the President of the Law Council of Australia (LCA) the peak representative body for the Australian legal profession and has been a LCA director since 2011.

Stuart has a strong academic interest in the law and sustainability, publishing and speaking in Australia and overseas. He is an Adjunct Professor at Macquarie Law School and a Fellow of both the Australian Institute of Company Directors and the Australian Academy of Law. Stuart was made a Member of the Order of Australia in 2015 for significant service to the law and the NSW Rural Fire Service.

Stuart has served in a range of leadership roles, including Chief Operating Officer and Managing Partner International of Clayton Utz, as a Director of the NSW Legal Aid Commission, Chair of the Large Law Firm Group (now known as Law Firms Australia) and is a former Chair of the Australian Legal Sector Alliance Ltd (AusLSA). His current practice is focused on class actions, investigations and inquires acting for clients in Australia, the US and Europe.

Stuart is a graduate of Macquarie University and practised at the New South Wales Bar prior to joining Clayton Utz.

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