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Working collaboratively to promote sustainable practice across the legal sector

AUSLSA SYDNEY CHAMPIONS NETWORK FORUM - Should Carbon Offsets be a part of your Sustainability Toolkit?

  • 01 March 2017
  • 12:30 PM - 2:00 PM
  • Ashurst L11 5 Martin Place Sydney
  • 7


  • For staff from law firms that are current members of AusLSA
  • For staff of any Australian law firm

Registration is closed

Sydney Champions Network Forum
Should Carbon Offsets be a part of your Sustainability Toolkit?

Join the Australian Legal Sector Alliance to discuss the opportunities and reasons for using carbon offsets to reduce your carbon footprint.

If you have ever wondered...
  • What is a carbon offset and what are the different types?
  • Should I consider purchasing carbon offsets and why?
  • How do I decide how many carbon offsets I should get?
  • How can you purchase a carbon offsets?
  • How are other AusLSA Members using carbon offsets?
  • What is the future of carbon offsets?

Improving our offices' energy efficiency and substituting travel where possible is as important as ever because of the environmental, commercial and productivity impacts they cause in addition to their contribution to climate change. 

... however many firms choose to top up reductions in their greenhouse gas emissions by partially or completely offsetting their emissions by purchasing carbon credits. 

Guest Presenter -  Charlie Richardson, Carbon Markets Institute  
The Carbon Market Institute (the peak national body for carbon market participant representing government policy makers and regulators, industry, financiers and investors, professional services companies and technology solution providers. 

Event Details

When 12.30-2pm - Monday  27 February 2017
Where Ashurst L11 5 Martin Place Sydney 


Come with your insights experiences and questions to contribute to another crowd sourced AusLSA information summit and then take your learnings to back to champion new opportunities to improve the sustainability and social responsibility of your firm.

Please extend this invitation to your interested colleagues and networks.

with thanks to

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