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Working collaboratively to promote sustainable practice across the legal sector

UNAA Workshop: Addressing Adverse Human Rights Impacts: Managing human rights related complaints, disputes and grievances

  • 02 July 2013
  • Melbourne
The UNAA Business and Human Rights Workshops build capacity to monitor and manage corporate human rights risks and impacts, providing practical guidance on how to integrate human rights considerations into everyday business practices.

The workshops provide professional training on the implementation of the UN Guiding Principles - the global standard of practice on business and human rights - and the essential strategies and tools needed to:
  • Develop and implement a corporate human rights policy;
  • Establish a human rights due diligence process;
  • Address human rights grievances in their own company/organisation; and
  • Manage human rights challenges in their business relationships, for example with business partners, suppliers, security providers and clients.

Facilitated by Vanessa Zimmerman, Business and human rights expert and former Legal Advisor to the United Nations Special Representative on Business and Human Rights, the workshops are held in partnership with Allens.

For more information and registration details - 
United Nations Association of Australia, Victorian Division.
Workshops Series 2013 -

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