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Working collaboratively to promote sustainable practice across the legal sector

AusLSA: Melbourne Sustainability Champions Network Lunch

  • 11 April 2013
  • 12:30 PM - 2:00 PM
  • Russell Kennedy, 469 La Trobe Street
  • 2


The Sustainability Champions Network is an AusLSA Members' forum in which those responsible for their firm's sustainability program can discuss ideas and share sustainability successes as well as the challenges and barriers to sustainability initiatives.

Initially it is planned that the group will meet over lunch once per quarter, hosted by each member of the network in turn. However the group will be encouraged to organise their own meetings and set any agenda. 

This Sustainability Champions Network is limited to people who identify as sustainability champions at AusLSA Member law firms. 

If you would like to be invited to this event, please contact emily@legalsectorsectoralliance. 

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