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Working collaboratively to promote sustainable practice across the legal sector

Green Capital: Building Sustainable Econoic

  • 19 June 2013
  • Sydney
What’s Turning to Ashes?

Early-generation sustainability reporting, and soft CSR roles and programs
Reputations of companies that aspired to sustainability leadership, but over-reached with spin and greenwash
The original optimism for international climate negotiations
Early enthusiasm among governments for incentive programs
Political bipartisanship on carbon pricing and renewable energy

What’s Rising Up?

Sustainability as business strategy for value creation instead of do-good PR
New front-runners, and some born-again sustainability leadership companies
Australia’s clean tech growth, already a $30 billion-a-year sector
Renewable energy spearheaded by Australia’s 1 million home solar rooftop revolution
Cities and communities acting themselves, funding their own energy, water, food and collaborative lifestyle solutions
Thought-leaders proposing whole new economic frontiers, not just incremental change at the fringes of business and the market system.

Green Capital

Green Capital was established in 2002 by the Total Environment Centre, one of Australia’s most innovative and independent, non-government environment organisations.

Green Capital created a platform for debate about ‘corporate social responsibility’ and development of the green economy in Australia, and for over a decade has continued to set the agenda on the marriage of sustainability and business opportunity. Over 17,000 representatives of businesses, government departments and NGOs have participated in Green Capital’s regular forums and roundtables in Sydney and Melbourne.


Chair Person
Maria Atkinson - Director of XO Pty Limited
Keynote Speaker:       
Sam Mostyn - Non-executive Director and Sustainability Adviser & Speaker
on the boards of Virgin Australia, Transurban and Citibank Australia

Freddy Sharpe - Climate Friendly
Emma Herd - Westpac
Marc Newson - Department of Industry and Innovation
Caroline McLaren - Hub Australia

Tom Grosskopf - the Office of Environment and Heritage 

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