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Working collaboratively to promote sustainable practice across the legal sector

Not So Hypothetical – A Heated Conversation

  • 31 March 2014
  • 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM
  • Melbourne: Fed Square

Melbourne Conversations
Not So Hypothetical – A Heated Conversation

Who would have thought that tens of thousands would die during Europe's record-breaking 2003 sweltering heatwave? Climate models point to increasing likelihood of extremes. Though it's been dangerously hot in Melbourne already, unprecedented heatwaves likely lie ahead. This hypothetical style event will explore how Melbourne's energy, water, transport and health systems will respond as community services struggle to meet demand. Speakers will discuss the impacts on Melbourne's community and infrastructure, what we've learnt, how you can cope and how we can build our city's resilience.

An engaging panel of Melbourne business, research, community and civic leaders will explore their responses to unimaginable circumstances that we must now start to anticipate in order to build our personal and community resilience to such conditions.

Learn how you, your family, neighbours and friends, and your business can prepare and cope. Learn how the responses of different players influence the overall impact on Melbourne, and how strategies to reduce Melbourne's urban heat island play into what unfolds.

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