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Working collaboratively to promote sustainable practice across the legal sector

Green Building Day

  • 27 May 2014
  • Sydney

Join us in Sydney as we explore the future of green building and the people 
that will make it happen.

Sydney's program is filled with experts in both forecasting big picture trends and providing detailed, hands-on advice. Join us for the entire day, or just half, and take part in shaping the future of Australia.

More info and Registration


9.00 am

The sustainability leader board - tips from the top
In 2014 Westpac topped the Global100 Index as the world's most sustainable company, and 4 more GBCA members also made the list - how did they do it?
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9.45 am By people for people - focus on social strategies
Learn how investing in social strategies can improve the long-term viability of the property industry, while improving the lives of employees, local communities and the global community.
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10.30am Morning Tea
11.00am Built Behaviour - how place impacts participation
Prevention is always better than a cure, so find out how you can contribute to improving the long-term health of our nation by designing neighbourhoods that encourage people to get out and active.
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11.45am Policy perspective - understanding Direct Action
Discover Direct Action's potential impacts on the property industry and how it can be used to achieve positive environmental outcomes by industry policy leaders.
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12.20pm Lunch
1.20pm Makeover not make-do - retrofitting our existing buildings
Examine the challenges of retrofitting our older, low-grade buildings and how to transform them into high-performance healthy and sustainable places.
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2.05pm Green Star update
The latest Green Star developments including volume certification, Green Star packages, how refurbishment fits within Green Star and an update on the new Design & As Built rating tool.
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2.20pm Out of Office - non-office case studies to diversify your thinking
Explore some creative case studies from Out of Office projects and how these ideas could be transferable to you.
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3.00pm Afternoon Tea
3.30pm Addicted to tech - changing the way we live, work and play.
Technology is embedded into our personal and professional lives, but where will it take us over the next 10 years? How will it change how we work and the design of our cities? Learn from the experts.
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4.30pm Wrap Up & Networking Drinks

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