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Working collaboratively to promote sustainable practice across the legal sector

The Prince of Wales Business & Sustainability Programme

  • 01 March 2015
  • 04 March 2015
  • Melbourne

The Prince of Wales's Business & Sustainability Programme

This elite programme has a 20-year track record of transformative impact on participants and their organisations. The programme brings together senior executives from a broad range of industries with a faculty of leading international and Australian experts from the corporate, academic and not-for-profit sectors. Participants
explore the global challenges facing us, the strategic implications for their businesses, and how, as leaders, they can engage with those challenges to ensure a resilient, profitable business.

This flagship executive programme of the Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership is presented in Australia in collaboration with Net Balance Foundation.

The delegates
The programme is designed for executives with strategic roles, drawn from the top tiers of organisations – C-suite, board members, divisional and functional leaders. A few places are reserved for senior leaders from the public sector, and from influential NGOs. It is not primarily intended for those directly in
sustainability roles, unless new to the field. Cambridge carefully selects delegates to ensure appropriate seniority and diversity, to deliver a stimulating learning environment in which senior executives can share their knowledge and their questions.

For more information contact Jane Farago at EY

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