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Working collaboratively to promote sustainable practice across the legal sector

News & Views

  • 21 July 2021 11:46 AM | Richard Jennings (Administrator)

    What are the differences and similarities between the gender pay gap and equal pay? AMPMA's webinar at 1:00pm of the 5th of August will  examine the WGEA national and industry level gender pay gap data  and talk about the drivers of and solutions to gender pay gaps. Register HERE

  • 20 July 2021 8:56 AM | Richard Jennings (Administrator)

    In response to increasing urgency for climate action and the success of science-based targets to date, the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi), the global body enabling businesses to set emissions reduction targets in line with climate science, is unveiling a new strategy to increase minimum ambition in corporate target setting from ‘well below 2°C’ to ‘1.5°C’ above pre-industrial levels. Lila Karbassi, SBTi Board Chair and Chief of Programmes at UN Global Compact, said: “The SBTi has become the de facto standard for businesses to set credible targets to address the climate crisis. However, to have a fighting chance of limiting warming to 1.5°C, we need to urgently scale-up and mainstream the adoption of 1.5°C-aligned targets. Read more HERE.

  • 20 July 2021 8:30 AM | Richard Jennings (Administrator)

    AusLSA member, Ashurst has used the UN Sustainable Development Goals to identify areas of change across three pillars: how we engage with clients, who we are as a firm and how we give value to the communities in which we operate.

    Global managing partner Paul Jenkins said "Sustainability is a critically important strategic business issue for Ashurst and our clients and our continued improvement in this area is a key aspect of the firm's strategy,". "Our Sustainability Goals chart a quantifiable path for the firm to continue to build on its culture of sustainability focused on helping clients capitalise on opportunities from the transition, progressing our journey to Net Zero and increasing our pro bono and social impact." Read more HERE

  • 13 July 2021 10:26 AM | Richard Jennings (Administrator)
    With a greater focus on impact, strategy and evaluation, the philanthropic sector could make a more significant contribution to support impact initiatives to address Australia’s greatest social challenges. However, creating a roadmap to achieve greater impact is, for many, a daunting prospect. Where do we start? What are the things we must do to drive meaningful change? Read the Menzies Foundation / Melbourne Business Schools recent report HERE

  • 09 July 2021 9:41 AM | Richard Jennings (Administrator)

    EcoAct is developing a series of case study interviews with organisations called Net Zero Heroes. Leading up to COP26 in November, EcoAct will share stories and tips on best practice to help more organisations to take climate action, reduce their emissions and commit to net zero transition.READ HERE

  • 06 July 2021 10:52 AM | Richard Jennings (Administrator)

    We know that that truly diverse and inclusive workplaces are higher performing, more innovative and creative, and attract the best talent from the broadest possible pool but it is only through effective inclusion that organisations can benefit from this diversity.

    We also know that it takes more than policies, practices, and procedures to make staff feel included and to earn a deeper trust and commitment from them. Read an article from ProBono Australia HERE and learn from the 2019/20 Diversity Index report HERE

  • 22 June 2021 11:01 AM | Richard Jennings (Administrator)
    Law firms increasingly want progressive and effective strategies to reduce their greenhouse emissions to keep pace with growing urgency and increasing expectations. For law firms the substitution of renewable electricity is a critical element in these strategies. One approach to purchasing renewable electricity is by using power purchase agreements or PPAs. Join a panel of US experts on 13 July 2021 that will discuss acquiring your renewable electicity supply through power purchase agreements and experiences in North America. READ MORE HERE
  • 16 June 2021 12:10 PM | Richard Jennings (Administrator)

    Due to a surplus of credits, built up over many years, the price of carbon offsets is currently unsustainably low, at just $3-5 per metric ton. But the cost of offsetting corporate carbon emissions is expected to surge between five and ten fold, reaching between $20 and $50 a metric ton over the next decade and even further by mid-century. As growing numbers of businesses adopt net zero targets demand for finite credits will explode says a new report titled Future Demand, Supply and Prices for Voluntary Carbon Credits – Keeping the Balance Read the full report HERE

  • 16 June 2021 11:40 AM | Richard Jennings (Administrator)

    Australia is on-track to phase out single-use plastics with both NSW and WA joining VictoriaQueensland and South Australia to ban single-use plastics. Lightweight plastic bags, plastic straws, stirrers and cutlery, polystyrene cups, and takeaway containers will be the first items to go. Over the next 20 years, NSW’s plastics plan and waste strategy will stop an estimated 2.7 billion items of plastic litter from ending up in our environment and waterways. 

  • 16 June 2021 10:31 AM | Richard Jennings (Administrator)

    AusLSA recently undertook a pulse check which reached 80% of our member firms. What struck me was the number of firms in the a process to recruit a dedicated sustainability manager. Law firms are not the only ones looking for people. The competition for the best sustainability professionals is getting tougher so, how can you attract, retain and empower the best people to drive progress at your organization?  Read about four key insights HERE

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