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Working collaboratively to promote sustainable practice across the legal sector

Melbourne Breakfast Event - AusLSA Launch - Legal Sector Sustainability Insight 2015

  • 04 December 2015
  • 7:30 AM - 9:00 AM
  • Ernst and Young, L.23 8 Exhibition Street, Melbourne, 3000
  • 9


  • For staff from law firms that are current members of AusLSA
  • For staff of any Australian law firm

Registration is closed

Please join the board and members of the Australian Legal Sector Alliance in celebrating the launch of the 2015 Legal Sector Sustainability Insight. 

This year our report has broadened from its environmental focus into an integrated sustainability report. 

We are excited that for the first time our Melbourne members will be able to join in with our Sydney based launch through a simultaneous video link.  

This means that Melbourne attendees will now also be able to hear from our keynote speaker Sam Mostyn who has been at the forefront of sustainable business leadership for many years. 

Register now
 and join us in exploring the benefits to the legal sector in providing more integrated and transparent sustainability reporting. 

Event Details

7:30am (for 8:00am)
Friday 4th of December 2015

Ernst and Young
L. 23, 8 Exhibition Street 
About the Report

The 2015 Legal Sector Sustainability Insight is AusLSA'a annual report. The report publishes the sustainability performance of over 30 of Australia's leading law firms.

Reporting more broadly on social sustainability issues - in addition to environmental performance - is an increasingly common feature at leading Australian and international organisations. This is matched with increasing expectations that their supplies also manage the sustainability of their products and services. 

AusLSA annual reports have been produced every year since 2010. These six reports tell a compelling story about an increasingly engaged and committed membership.   

with thanks to

Ernst and Young 



Key note speaker - Sam Mostyn

Sam is on the boards of Citi Group, Virgin Australia, Transurban Group, Mirvac, CoverMore Group. Sam has also held previous senior executive positions at IAG, Optus, and Cable & Wireless plc.

In addition to her corporate roles, Sam has deep experience in sustainability across sectors and over the years have served on the board of Reconciliation Australia, appointed as one of the  inaugural Commissioners with the National Mental Health Commission, and served on the National Sustainability Council. Sam is currently President of the Australian Council for International Development, and Deputy Chair of the Diversity Council of Australia.  Sam also serves on the advisory boards of ClimateWorks Australia, the Climate Council, and the Crawford School of Public Policy at the ANU. As a supporter of the arts, Sam has served on the board of the Australia Council for the Arts, and is currently the Chair of Carriageworks.

Sam has been a Commissioner with the AFL since 2005, and was a panel member of the independent Crawford Review of Australian Sports Funding in 2009.

Sam has long been a strong advocate for gender equality, and served with Liz Broderick on the Review of the Treatment of Women in the Australian Defense Force.

Please encourage your interested colleagues attend this event.

Launch podcast details available soon
An opportunity for members to watch a Podcast of our launch will be provided shortly after the launch via our website.

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