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Working collaboratively to promote sustainable practice across the legal sector
National Reconciliation Week (NRW) is a time for all Australians to learn about our shared histories, cultures, and achievements, and to explore how each of us can contribute to achieving reconciliation in Australia.
The theme of NRW this year is "now more than ever" and we should take this opportunity to overcome hesitancy, unknowns or fears and to commit to our place in the reconciliation movement, now more than ever. Be sure to visit Reconciliation Australia's Website to get more resources HERE and see this month's edition of Reconciliation News HERE
National Volunteer Week is Australia’s largest annual celebration of volunteering and will be next held on 20-26 May 2024. This special event provides an opportunity to highlight the important role of volunteers in our community and invites people not currently volunteering to give it a go.
The theme this year is 'Something for Everyone' and highlights the diversity of volunteering and volunteers across Australia. By promoting and celebrating that volunteering is for everyone.
See the National Volunteer website HERE and be sure to see the link to a Webinar on 24 May HERE
In an article from ESG Today, a recently released report from Deloitte suggests that climate change and environmental sustainability concerns are increasingly driving workplace and consumer behaviours for Gen Zs and millennials. The report states that more than 40% in each group say that they have left jobs, or plan to in the future, over climate concerns and nearly two-thirds say that they would pay more to purchase environmentally sustainable products.
For the report, the 2024 Gen Z and Millennial Survey, Deloitte surveyed more than 22,800 Gen Z (those born between 1995 – 2005) and millennial (born 1983 – 1994) respondents from 44 countries across North America, Latin America, Western Europe, Eastern Europe, the Middle East, Africa, and Asia-Pacific.
See the article from ESG Today HERE
As we approach the end of the financial year, it’s a perfect time to turn the spotlight on workplace giving, especially as we enter the official month for workplace giving in June.
The theme for 2024's Workplace Giving Month is "Giving Stories". This year's campaign encourages individuals, businesses, and charities to tell their workplace giving stories. We are asking everyone to share on social media and within the workplace:
What inspired you to donate to your charities at work?
How does workplace giving make your team and organisation stronger?
What's the impact you're having on the local and wider community?
As workplace giving supporters, we encourage you to weave the giving story theme into your campaign this June.
Workplace Giving Australia are hosting a Webinar around these "Giving Stories" on Wednesday 22 May at noon.
You can register HERE
The Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) has released the Terms of Reference of the major revision to the Corporate Net-Zero Standard outlining the objectives, scope, deliverables, provisional timeline, and opportunities for engagement during the standard revision process.
The SBTi has four key goals for the review of the Corporate Net-Zero Standard: 1) to align with the latest scientific thinking and best practice, such as from the IPCC and the UN Secretary General’s High Level Expert Group on the net zero emissions commitments of non-state entities (HLEG), 2) to address challenges related to scope 3 target setting and implementation, 3) to integrate continuous improvement and target delivery, and 4) to improve structure and enhance interoperability with other SBTi standards as well as other relevant external frameworks and standards.
See the new Terms of Reference HERE
In a podcast from The HR Leader, Ovice’s chief human resource officer, Megan Reed, delves into the crucial yet often disregarded world of employee wellbeing in remote working models.
The rise and fall of he pandemic has seen an immense shift in how people work and in many cases a hybrid mix of remote and office working still prevails.
Reed outlines just how imperative communication and connection are in upholding healthy work environments, especially in these hybrid work settings. The conversation also touches on the duty of care that employers have and how this doesn’t end just because you can’t see your employees. Isolation and loneliness can occur as a result of these working models, which can be mitigated through effective communication and connection.
Listen to The HR Leader podcast HERE
Diversity Council Australia (DCA) has contributed to a joint submission calling for the ASX to incorporate objectives for greater cultural and racial diversity in its corporate governance principles. Other appropriate representative organisations have called for LGBTIQA+ and disability representation, which DCA also endorses.
Specifically, the submission recommends that listed companies also disclose the cultural, ethnic, and racial diversity of their board members to ensure accountability and transparency.
See more details in the DCA press release on their website HERE
Australiasian Lawyer reports that the gender pay gap continues to persist across most positions in the legal profession, according to findings from The College of Law Australia’s Australian Legal Salary Survey 2024.
The survey showed that the average annual base salary for women fell below that of men across positions and level of experience; men reported an average base salary of $102,659 while women reported just $92,079. As per The College of Law, this suggests that gender pay inequity “is not a legacy issue”.
Read the Australasian Lawyer article HERE
The Australian LGBTQ+ Inclusion Awards is an event celebrating and awarding Australia’s top organisations for LGBTQ+ inclusion based on the results of the Australian Workplace Equality Index (AWEI).
The event, which is being held on 31 May in Sydney, is attended by CEOs, dignitaries, senior executives, HR and diversity practitioners, employee network leaders, and members of LGBTQ+ employee networks and allies, all which have made a significant impact to LGBTQ+ inclusion in their workplaces.
The Awards is regarded by many as a must-attend event on the LGBTQ+ calendar and is widely shared across corporate and personal social media platforms.
For more information about this event, or to purchase tickets, CLICK HERE
ALPMA are hosting a seminar on 23 April to provide more information on understanding the importance of Welcome to Country and Reconciliation Action Plans.
Thane Gannaway-Garvey from Wurundjeri Woi-wurring Cultural Heritage Aboriginal Corporation, will help us genuinely understand, value and respect the importance of recognising the Welcome to Country and truth of Australia’s history. Kyle Gillan from Russell Kennedy will also discuss the importance of their Reconciliation Action Plan.
CLICK HERE to find out more and to register for this important event.
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