OUR PEOPLE OUR GOVERNANCE SUMMARY AND HIGHLIGHTS: SUMMARY AND HIGHLIGHTS: 201 SUSTAINA AusLSA GENERAL MEMBER: F L E XIBLE WORKPLA C E I N C LUSIVE WORKPLA C E GENDER EQUALITY • International Women's Day participant INITIATIVES: C O D E O F C O N DUCT / RISK M A N A G E M E N T • IDAHOT Day participant INITIATIVES: • Human Rights • Labour • Environment • Fair Operating Practices • Gender Equality S U S T A I N A B L E SUPPLY CHAIN M A N A G E M E N T POLICY • Flexible hours of work • Time in lieu • Part time work • Job sharing • Telecommuting • Unpaid leave • Carer’s leave INITIATIVES: P H YSICAL WELLBEI N G • Ergonomics • Flu vaccinations • Work based physical fitness INITIATIVES: P S Y C H O LOGICAL WELL B E I N G • Signatory to the TJMF • RUOK programs participant • Black Dog programs participant • Confidential professional psychological support • Mental health first aid training INITIATIVES: S U S T A I N ABILITY REP O R T I N G CODE OF CONDUCT TRAINING IN DEV’T BCP OR ERP COMPLAINTS & GRIEVANCE MECHANISM RISK MANAGEMENT PLAN SUPPLIER STANDARDS COVER: STAFF SURVEYS POLICY STAFF SURVEYS POLICY D I V E R S I T Y POLICY L G B T I POLICY SUSTAINABLE SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT STANDARDS APPLY TO EXISTING SUPPLIERS STANDARDS APPLY TO NEW SUPPLIERS GENDER EQUITY TARGET PARTNERS LEGAL STAFF NON-LEGAL STAFF 28% FEMALE 57% FEMALE 83% FEMALE POLICY RETURN TO WORK AFTER PARENTAL LEAVE 67% SECONDARY CARER 2 WEEKS 14 WEEKS POLICY PRIMARY CARER PAIDPARENTALLEAVE REPORT CSR SPARKE HELMORE LAWYERS Sparke Helmore Lawyers is a firm with mor offices across Australia, serving the needs o services, technology, mining, construction spans corporate and commercial to constru IPOs, mining to manufacturing, and We provide support and build connecti Community Programs. We are dedicated to communities, ensuring a positive and supp and consciously operating a business that Headcount: 619 (FTE) Our people programs focus on supporting our firm vision; to be a market-leading Australian professional services business that our clients choose for outstanding people, legal expertise and our ability to connect. We take pride in our values–driven culture and see it as a differentiator for our clients and our people. Our 2017 firm wide engagement survey revealed strong engagement across the firm. Our comprehensive learning framework defines clear development pathways focusing on building capabilities across legal skills and knowledge; commercial acumen and leadership to sustain and grow high performing teams and deliver great client service. We invest in leadership skills to uphold a standard of excellence for people managers, to facilitate collaboration across the firm and encourage strong contribution from all. We review and align our critical people processes and systems to ensure we attract top talent, facilitate high performance and embed values-based behaviour. We place strong emphasis on diversity and inclusion so that we can harness the benefits of diverse thinking styles, skills, and experiences. We continue to sustain focus on supporting workplace flexibility of all dimensions, health and wellbeing initiatives, attractive and equitable rewards and benefits, and facilitate mentoring, networking and career development opportunities for all. Sparke Helmore is a national partnership and law firm. The firm’s governance arrangements are set out in a Partnership Deed. The partners elect a Board responsible for the overall direction and strategy of the firm, and the Board in turn appoints a number of Board subcommittees to assist, including the Audit and Risk Committee. The partners elect a National Managing Partner (NMP) to manage the day-to-day operation of the partnership and the partnership business consistent with the strategy and direction set by the Board. The NMP is advised by an Executive Committee which includes National Practice Group Leaders. In addition, there are local office managing partners and client relationship partners. The firm has appointed a Risk & Compliance Manager who is responsible for implementing and facilitating the maintenance of the firm’s enterprise risk management framework, compliance programs, ethical business practices (including fraud and corruption management) and the governance of all firm-wide policies and protocols. These measures aim to ensure good governance processes and risk management are at the forefront of everyday decision-making at all levels within the firm, and to assist mitigating potential fraudulent or corrupt business practices.