OUR ENVIRONMENT OUR COMMUNITY SUMMARY AND HIGHLIGHTS: SUMMARY AND HIGHLIGHTS: 17 AusLSA ABILITY PROFILE BACK TO NAVIGATION I N D I G ENOUS RECONCILI A T I O N G REENHOUSE GAS EMISSION S RECYCLING 100% 100% 0% 33% E N V I R O N M ENTAL MANA G E M E N T • CitySwitch Green Office • Earth Hour INITIATIVES: LEGAL PRO BONO PRO BONO CENTRE TARGET C O R PORATE GIV I N G • Corporate donations • Matched giving INITIATIVES: • Boards • Non Legal volunteering programs • Allocation of paid volunteer time for employees INITIATIVES: • Procurement of services from organisations that are indigenous owned and operated • Internship and employment programs INITIATIVES: OFFICES P A PER USAG E 1 0 1 kg/emplo y e e 31,591kg 0% CERTIFICATION: • FSC GROSS 1,183t – 3.8t/employee NET 901t – 2.9t/employee STRATEGY 2.9t 0.24% SCOPE ONE 0.00% 0.00% 0.24% 873t 74% SCOPE TWO 73% 0.10t/m 2 24% 0.03t/m 2 307t 26% SCOPE THREE 24.6% 0 . 9 3t/emplo y e e 1.4% 0 . 0 5t/emplo y e e CARBON OFFSETS & RENEWABLES 24% 0.00% POLICY IN DEV’T PUBLISHED ENV. IMPROVEMENT TARGET ENV. MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (EMS) EMS CERTIFICATION POLICY PUBLISHED NON LEGAL VOLUNTEERING ACTIVITIES IN DEV’T NON-PROFIT/ COMMUNITY PARTICIPATION CORPORATE GIVING PROGRAM PARTICIPATION IN CORPORATE GIVING IN DEV’T R e c ycled con t e n t The below icons provide limited information about the firm’s legal pro bono commitment. More extensive information is reported by the Australian Pro Bono Centre and on individual firm’s websites. Further information from AusLSA N O N L E GAL VOLUNT E E R I N G % office availability g, dynamic and diverse law firm. utcomes that count for our clients, our community. e love doing, and we focus on this. cus gives us a strong reputation for ectors, in particular in the financial rastructure sectors. nt part of who we are today. We r clients and with our people vity. Floor Area: 8,343m2 Henry Davis York has an Environment Committee with membership drawn from various parts of the firm, and a Strategic Plan, which addresses each of our impacts and specific means for reducing or otherwise mitigating those impacts. Our objective is continuous improvement in environmental sustainability performance. Henry Davis York is committed to making a responsible and meaningful contribution to the communities within which we operate. Reinforcing our pro bono commitment, much of our volunteering, fund raising and in kind support is focused in areas where we direct our pro bono activities. We focus in a few core areas strengthens the positive impact of our efforts in those areas, including: • Youth at risk • Homelessness • Asylum seekers and refugees • Diversity & Inclusion.