b'2023 AusLSAOUR PEOPLE OUR ENVIRONMENT OUR COMMUNITY OUR GOVERNANCESUSTAINABILITY SUMMARY AND HIGHLIGHTS: SUMMARY AND HIGHLIGHTS: SUMMARY AND HIGHLIGHTS: SUMMARY AND HIGHLIGHTS:PROFILE At Holding Redlich we are committed to creating a diverse andHolding Redlich aims to improve our sustainability impact by inclusive workplace in which all of our people can thrive. Weimplementing achievable and practical programs and policies understand that diversity and inclusion is critical to enabling anto reduce our impact on the environment in all aspects of the environment in which our people feel fully supported in all aspects offirms operations. Our firm-wide approach is led by our their work life, which enhances the likelihood of talent retention, andExecutive Committee and management team.ultimately the provision of high quality services to our clients. The People and Development team, in conjunction with its leaderships team and the firms partners, are responsible for the creation and implementation of the diversity and inclusion initiatives that support Holding Redlich. However, we recognise the importance of our leadership roles in the delivery of these and in ensuring a diverse and inclusive culture in practice, thereby ensuring our people are set up to succeed. The firm has several initiatives in place in terms of well-being, performance, gender equality, diversity and inclusion, and were always considering how we can further support our people in this regard.Holding RedlichHeadcount:510 (FTE)Floor Area:14,948m2Number of Offices : 10GENDERCLIMATEEQUALITY 33% 71% 79% 70% ACTIONHolding Redlichs reputation for delivering excellent results for our clients has developed over 60 years. We are a largeINITIATIVES: INITIATIVES: TelecommutingGreen Star rated buildings 4-6 starEnergy efficient commercial firm, having consistently International Womens DayEmployer of Choice for Gender Equalityrefits undertakenTeleconferencing facilities and trainingEarth Hour grown and now recognised as one of Male Champion of ChangeFemale advancement, mentoring and coaching End of trip facilitiesNABERSs Energy RatingEfficient building andTraining - Gender awareness unconscious biasGender sensitive promotionlighting automationAustralias top 20 law firms. We supportand recruitmentInternal D&I networks or committeesLSNSW Charter - our commitment to providing innovativeAdvancement of WomenEqual pay controlsWomen on Boards GROSS EMISSIONScommercial legal advice with the resources1,071t - 2.1t per employee and expertise of more than 500 staff,INCLUSIVE including 200 lawyers and over 60 partners WORKPLACE 67% 0%across our offices in Melbourne, Canberra,BUILDINGS 715tSydney, Brisbane and Cairns.67%0.0m 25t/Notwithstanding the growth of HoldingINITIATIVES: Redlich, we have always played to our Recruitment and promotion for D&IInternal D&I networks or committees0.02% 32% Training - Awareness and unconscious biasStaff Surveys - D&ITraining -356tstrengths and consider ourselves as aLGBTQ+ awarenessIDAHOBITWear it Purple DayInternal LGBTQ+ networksTRAVEL 33%boutique specialist firm, with a particularor committeesTraining - LGBTQ+ awarenessTrans Awareness WeekPride0 . 6 7t/e y e epom lfocus in key areas of practice, each sectorMarchMardi GrasInterFirm eventsharnessing their own specialist team ofCARBON0%trusted legal advisors and senior lawyers.FLEXIBLEOFFSETS & With extensive experience in our key WORKPLACE 18.0 4.0 97% RENEWABLESpractice areas and legal project management our clients can be confidentNET EMISSIONSthat we know what works (and whatINITIATIVES:1,071t - 2.1t per employeedoesnt) and have the systems in place to Flexible work hoursPart time optionsJob sharingRemote working tools and systemsSupport for flexible workingTime in lieuUnpaid leaveCarers leave move quickly, reduce risk and provide Study leaveReligious and ceremonial leavePurchased leaveCareer breaks value for money. We act for some of Phased retirementAdjusted KPIs after absencesSabbaticalsRECYCLING100%Australias largest companies, further to all Domestic violence leaveFamily and fertility leaveOFFICEStiers of government, statutory authorities, high profile clients and corporationsPSYCHOLOGICAL providing our clients with trusted WELLBEING PAPER commercial legal advice and strategic USAGEsolutions founded on our industry experience. INITIATIVES:INITIATIVES:R U OK? programPsychological support/ EAPMental health first aid training Paperlite office programGreen accredited paper purchase specification and supportTraining - Mental health awareness and management Follow me printingRecycled paper purchase specification Domestic violence strategy PAPER CERTIFICATION:PEFC Australian Forestry standardPHYSICALWELLBEINGINITIATIVES:Ergonomics programFlu vaccinationsInternal exercise sessionsTeam eventsMassagesOnsite fruit and healthy cateringHealth EAP'