b'Modern Slavery Professor Jennifer BurnProfessor Jennifer Burn AM, is the Director of Anti-Slavery Australia and a Professor at the University of Technology Sydney. Jennifer also served as the first Interim Anti-Slavery Commissioner for NSW.Anti-Slavery Australia needs your help!REMEDIATION AND GRIEVANCE MECHANISMS The Australian Modern Slavery Act 2018is intended to prevent modern slavery in global supply chains by requiring reporting entities to describe the risk of modern slavery in their supply chains and the actions taken to address the risk. They are also expected to respond to adverse human rights impacts by remediating the adverse impact. This means that entities must make good the adverse impact by putting the affected person back in the position that they would have been in if the adverse impact had not occurred. Remediation can take many forms, including taking steps to ensure that the circumstances that gave rise to the adverse human rights impact in the first place are addressed so that the harm cannot affect another person in the same way. Many entities create a grievance mechanism so that affected people can raise issues of concern and provide a pathway to remediation. These can include a telephone reporting system administered by a third party by way of speak-up procedures, supply chain hotlines and the inclusion of specific clauses in contracts that set out mechanisms to resolve disputes. But more needs to be done to ensure that grievance mechanisms are soundly based on the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human 27'