b'IMPROVING TRAINING AND AWARENESS-RAISING AROUND MODERN SLAVERY To effectively identify and address instances of modern slavery within our operations and supply chains, it is essential that our people understand the concept of modern slavery. Employee training and awareness on recognising and responding to modern slavery are imperative to tackle this issue. At a minimum, law firms should implement mandatory training programs for employees involved in the firms Mylinh Letran supply chains and operations. These programs should cover recognising indicators of forced labour, human trafficking, Mylinh Letran is the National Risk Managerdebt bondage, or child labour in the supply chain. Training at Clayton Utz should be accessible to all employees, clients, and suppliers, with content regularly updated to reflect evolving risks and regulations. It should be delivered through various mediums for broader participation. Regular evaluations ensure the training remains effective.Firms can also raise awareness by supporting Collaboration withorganisations aiding survivors of slavery. Clayton Utz recently hosted a national event in partnership with the colleagues, peers, andSisters of Charity Foundation, who have a Modern Slavery Transitional Housing Program in partnership with the suppliers is not justSalvation Army Safe House. It is the only one of its kind in Australia and fills the gap in offering mid to long term advantageous but antransitional housing opportunities for survivors of slavery. The event showcased our commitment and the shared imperative for lawresponsibility among all employees to address modern slavery, providing an opportunity for participants to learn firms committed tomore and contribute to this commendable cause. addressing modern slavery within theirHARNESSING EXISTING RESOURCES Law firms have a unique opportunity to harness existing supply chains resources to conduct a thorough risk assessment and'