b'2023 AusLSAOUR PEOPLE OUR ENVIRONMENT OUR COMMUNITY OUR GOVERNANCESUSTAINABILITY SUMMARY AND HIGHLIGHTS: SUMMARY AND HIGHLIGHTS: SUMMARY AND HIGHLIGHTS: SUMMARY AND HIGHLIGHTS:PROFILE Russell Kennedy recognises the importance of maintaining a balanceRussell Kennedy continues to make a concerted effort to between work and family home life. The firms greatest assets are itsreduce its carbon foot print and reduce the impact it has on people, therefore it is important that the firm creates an environmentthe environment so helping protect it for future generations. that supports a diverse and flexible workforce.We support environmental stewardship by utilising business Russell Kennedy is proud to be an equal opportunity employer and isprocesses that enables waste prevention and promotes the certified as a WGEA Employer of Choice for Gender Equality.We areeffective use of resources and also through business committed to being a LGBTIQ friendly and disability confidentimprovement process and initiatives that aim to further employer.In July 2023, Russell Kennedysfirst Reconciliation Actionreduce our use of power and other resources. Plan (RAP) received endorsement from Reconciliation Australia. Covid 19 had a significant, positive, impact on our Russell Kennedyalso supports and promotes a range of initiativesenvironmental sustainability.As business has returned to a including, the Russell Kennedy Womens Network and our Diversitypost covid normal in 2022/23 RK seen an increase in the and Inclusion committee, with 4 key focuses: Access RK (Accessibilitygeneral consumption of goods and services, not to pre covid and Disability), Kaleidoscope (Cultural Diversity),Pride@RK (LGBTIQlevels but up in a number of categories up by over 200% on and first nation inclusion (RAP).20221/22 numbers, namely personal mileage claims, Taxis and domestic flights. Encouragingly paper consumption has only increased by a marginal amount. Russell Kennedy LawyersHeadcount:325 (FTE)Floor Area:6,842m2Number of Offices : 2 GENDER46% 60% 86% 64% CLIMATEEQUALITY ACTIONRussell Kennedy is a commercial law firm with more than 300 people in MelbourneINITIATIVES: INITIATIVES: TelecommutingEnergy efficient refits undertakenSpecify energy and Sydney. At Russell Kennedy we are International Womens DayEmployer of Choice for Gender EqualityMaleefficient appliancesTeleconferencing facilities and trainingEarth Hour committed to providing exceptional legalChampion of ChangeLCA Diversity and Inclusion CharterEquitable briefing End of trip facilitiesEfficient building and lighting automationstrategies and solutions to our clients,pledge (e.g. CommBar/LCA)Host or lead external programs and/or forumsFemale advancement, mentoring and coachingTraining - Gender awarenessGROSS EMISSIONSguided by market-leading expertise acrossunconscious biasGender sensitive promotion and recruitmentInternal D&I our key sectors of focus.networks or committeesLSNSW Charter - Advancement of WomenShowcasing392t - 1.2t per employee gender diversity experiencesWere committed to making a difference for81% 0% 326tour clients, providing opportunities for ourINCLUSIVEBUILDINGS 83%people, and delivering lasting change for WORKPLACE 0.0m 25t/our community. As part of our team, youll receive hands-on experience, quality0.53% 14.9% 66tmentoring and access to valuable learningINITIATIVES:TRAVEL 16.9%0 . 1 8t/e e epo yopportunities.We encourage a Recruitment and promotion for D&IInternal D&I networks or committeesm l LCA Diversity and Inclusion CharterTraining - Awareness and unconscious professional and committed work ethic,biasMembership - Aust Network On DisabilityStaff Surveys - D&IManaging while recognising the importance of anPartners Diversity ForumMembership - Pride in DiversityTraining - LGBTQ+CARBON0%enjoyable working environment andawarenessAWEI surveyIDAHOBITWear it Purple DayInternal LGBTQ+OFFSETS & networks or committeesPro bono supportTraining - LGBTQ+ awarenessRENEWABLESbalanced lifestyle. Gender pronouns promotionTrans Awareness WeekPride MarchMardi GrasMidsummaGender affirmation policyInterFirm eventsAWEI award NET EMISSIONSAt Russell Kennedy, we respect and392t - 1.2t per employeecelebrate the things that make each of usFLEXIBLE26 6.0 97%different. The firm is dedicated to creating WORKPLACEan environment that is characterised by equal access and respected participation ofENVIRONMENTAL all groups and individuals. This is regardlessINITIATIVES: MANAGEMENTofdifferences, including culture, ethnicity, Flexible work hoursPart time optionsJob sharingRemote working tools and race, sex, gender identity, age, religion,systemsSupport for flexible workingTime in lieuUnpaid leaveCarers leaveINITIATIVES:Study leaveReligious and ceremonial leavePurchased leaveCareer breaks World Environment Daypersonal circumstances, physical features, Phased retirementAdjusted KPIs after absencesDomestic violence leave abilities and disabilities, socioeconomics Family and fertility leaveand sexual orientation.We believe we haveRECYCLING100%a culture where individuals of allPSYCHOLOGICAL OFFICESbackgrounds and abilities feel included.WELLBEING INITIATIVES:PAPERR U OK? programPsychological support/ EAPMental health first aid training USAGEand supportMental Health Awareness WeekTraining - Mental health awareness and managementMental health office champion INITIATIVES:Paperlite office programGreen accredited paper purchase specificationFollow me printingRecycled paper purchase specificationPHYSICALPAPER CERTIFICATION:WELLBEINGForestry Stewardship Council (FSC) certifiedINITIATIVES:Ergonomics programProactive health checksFlu vaccinationsInternal exercise sessionsTeam eventsWellness awareness and promotionSubsidised health insuranceOnsite fruit and healthy cateringErgonomics program - offsite'