b'2023 AusLSAOUR PEOPLE OUR ENVIRONMENT OUR COMMUNITY OUR GOVERNANCESUSTAINABILITY SUMMARY AND HIGHLIGHTS: SUMMARY AND HIGHLIGHTS: SUMMARY AND HIGHLIGHTS: SUMMARY AND HIGHLIGHTS:PROFILE Thomson Geer recognises its responsibility to make aAt Thomson Geer, we understand the importance of giving back toThomson Geer has an effective and pragmatic governance meaningful commitment to minimise the impact of itsour community. A broad and real understanding of issues faced by alland risk management framework in place which is core to our operations on the environment and to use the resourcesmembers of the community, including those who cannot afford legaloperations. consumed in delivering professional services to its clients inrepresentation, increases development and awareness of our staff,The firm is led by the Chief Executive Partner who is the most efficient way possible.make us well rounded and informed, and is of course the right thingresponsible for the day to day leadership, administration and As with most professional services companies, our majorto do.management of the partnership supported by the Executive environmental impacts occur through our everyday activities,Our firm provides pro bono legal advice to marginalised andTeam. The firms Board Committee is responsible for the which is why we have implemented a range of environmentdisadvantaged groups across all States in which we operate. Ourbroad strategic direction of the firm, higher level governance initiatives.lawyers are encouraged to spend up to 100 hours per year onand risk management.These include the implementation of a Less Paper Policyapproved pro bono matters and receive financial credit for this time.We have a suite of policies and practices across the firm which has reduced our use of paper by over half, electronicThomson Geer is pleased to have formalised our commitment towhich underpin how we operate, covering risk management, correspondence and invoicing, default double sided printing,advancing the interests of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanderbusiness continuity, information security, privacy, modern recycling, automatic sleep mode for computers, and sensorcommunities with the development of our first Reconciliation Actionslavery, supplier management, and complaints management.lighting.Plan. The RAP outlines activities already undertaken at the firmDocumented quality standards and firm values guide our We consider the environmental impact of our procurement ofincluding procurement from Indigenous businesses, pro bono work,practitioners in their everyday activities. goods and services and seek to source legal andand supporting Indigenous community initiatives. environmentally acceptable sources. We are constantly looking for ways that we can connect our lawyers We consider the energy rating of the building as a part of ourwith pro bono and support opportunities that will utilise their skills to choice of new tenancy requirements. All of our offices are inmake a meaningful contribution to our local communities. at least a five star NABERS rated building. CLIMATEINDIGENOUSCODE OF CONDUCT ACTIONRECONCILIATION /RISK MANAGEMENTINITIATIVES:TelecommutingGreen Star rated buildings 4-6 starEnergy efficientINITIATIVES: refits undertakenSpecify energy efficient appliancesTeleconferencing Reconciliation Action PlanCultural awareness trainingNAIDOC Weekfacilities and trainingEarth HourEnd of trip facilitiesNABERSsNational Reconciliation WeekInternships and employmentFirst Nations Energy RatingEfficient building and lighting automationForcedProcurementPro bono supportCareerTrackers participationcomputer shutdownGROSS EMISSIONS NON LEGALSUSTAINABLE SUPPLY 786t - 1.3t per employee VOLUNTEERING %CHAIN MANAGEMENT0% 0.40% 554tINITIATIVES: 71%NFP BoardsOrganised staff volunteeringBlood donationsStudent tutoring and mentoringSecondments to NFPsCommunity volunteeringCPD for community sector lawyers29% 0.85% 231t SUPPLIER STANDARDS COVER: 29% CHARITABLE Human rightsFair labour practicesModern Slavery0 . 3 7t/e e e 0 . 0 1t/e e em lo y m lo y %p pGIVING0% 0% SUSTAINABILITYREPORTINGINITIATIVES:Firm donation programWorkplace givingMatched fundingfor employee donationsInternal appeals and collectionsExternal charity events and appealsNET EMISSIONS Host external charity events786t - 1.3t per employeeLEGAL ENVIRONMENTAL PRO BONO MANAGEMENT These icons provide limited information about the firms legal pro bono commitment. More extensive information is reported by the Australian Pro Bono Centre and on individual firms websites.Click for further RECYCLING100% 100% 100% 100% information from AusLSA: OFFICESPAPER37,906 20% USAGE 6 R3 e e c ntk g/employ e ycled cont eINITIATIVES:Paperlite office programGreen accredited paper purchase specificationFollow me printingRecycled paper purchase specificationPAPER CERTIFICATION:PEFC Australian Forestry standard139'