b'AusLSA has spoken to three leading thinkersClimate Actionand practitioners about the urgency of addressing climate change and the changes and trends that are already upon us. Learn how quickly law firms need to adapt and how they will need to respond.Climate change represents one of the most pressing challenges of our time, with profound implications across all aspects of society.While significant progress has been made, the recentemissions reductions outside of their direct value global stocktake on climate action identifies that wechains through activities such as offsetting or must better prepare for the impacts already lockedinvesting in new carbon removal technologies, in, while at the same time accelerate the systemsparticularly those that may help their own transformations needed to transition to net zero.decarbonisation efforts (eg supporting airline Global Greenhouse gas emissions need to peakindustry transitions to sustainable aviation fuels).between 2020 and 2025 to limit warming to the ParisService deliverybetter understanding and Agreement temperature goal (1.5 degrees). Emissionsconsidering the climate impact of the work they have peaked in developed and some developingdo, and who they do it with.countries, but global emissions have not yetEngaging in policy and advocacy activity in peaked. Rapid and deep reductions in Greenhousesupport of a net zero transition, as well as gas emissions are neededand actions taken mustconsidering how pro bono services can be be equitable and sustainable. leveraged to support the transition.Upskilling and capacity buildingengaging their Business has been responding.By the end of 2022,people to understand the imperative, - enabling companies with Science Based targets or whichthem to drive impact through work and personal had committed to set targets represented over alivesthird (thirty-four percent) of the global economyAccountability and reportingtransparently by market capitalization.Reporting against thesesharing their efforts to enable stakeholders to decarbonisation efforts is becoming increasinglymake informed decisions.standardised and regulated as systems transform toOur results this year continue to show that Australian improve credibility, transparency and accountability. law firms have strong foundations in place to Disclosure requirements are also broadening, withunderstand their decarbonisation efforts and that they stakeholders seeking to understand how business arecontinue to increase activities to reduce emissions. planning to respond to the risks and opportunities presented by climate change and the massiveIn the last five years AusLSA members have made systemic transformations it is driving. some impressive progress including The private sector is also an important driver ofReducing gross greenhouse gas emissions by climate solutions and system transformation effortsfifty-five percentthrough both innovation and investment. PrivateReducing net greenhouse gas emissions by sixty-sector engagement is crucial for a successful globaltwo percentresponse to climate change. Increasing renewable electricity purchases by Within this context, the legal sector can make a1,474 percent series of unique contributions.Law firms can act on aIncreasing voluntary offset purchase by sixty-six number of fronts: percent, and Improving electricity efficiency by thirty percentDecarbonisationreducing Greenhouse gas But as is the case across the globe, efforts need emissions from their operations and supplyto ramp up exponentially to achieve the net zero chains. emission targets required to limit global warming to Beyond value chain mitigationcontributing to1.5 degrees.20'