b'Joshua Martin looking to develop carbon footprints shouldAdherence to established standards such as follow the Greenhouse Gas Protocols Corporatethe Greenhouse Gas Protocols A Corporate Standard and Value Chain (Scope 3) Standard.Accounting and Reporting Standard and Greenhouse gas emissions accounting servesCorporate Value Chain (Scope 3) Accounting as the foundation for firms to comprehendand Reporting Standard is paramount for firms their most material sources of emissions. Itaspiring to develop accurate and comprehensive provides invaluable insights into a firms carboncarbon footprints. These standards provide footprint, offering crucial data necessary fora structured framework for data collection, devising a strategic response to climate change.calculation, and reporting, ensuring consistency Understanding emissions sources enablesand comparability across industries and facilitating companies to establish baseline measurementsa more unified approach to emissions accounting. and continuously monitor their progressUltimately, greenhouse gas emissions accounting towards emission reduction targets. The datastands as a critical tool empowering businesses to collected through greenhouse gas accountingtake informed actions, reduce their environmental is instrumental in fostering environmentallyfootprint, and contribute positively to the global conscious decision-making, guiding thefight against climate change.development of effective strategies to mitigate climate impact.The good news is that with the right approach these issues arent insurmountable.Bronwyn Winley is Head of Social Impact and Sustainability at Norton Bronwyn WinleyRose Fulbright AustraliaTHE DRIVERS FOR CLIMATE ACTIONarticulating their commitment to social and IN A LAW FIRM ENVIRONMENT environmental causes and increasingly choosing prospective firms based on alignment with their In the absence of any formal regulatoryvalues. This is a step-change in the employment requirements, the motivating factors for climatemarketplace and extends beyond climate action to action by a law firm typically include: social licencesocial and personal moral values also. to operate and a desire to respond to communityClient expectations.expectations, organisational commitment toForthcoming regulation will significantly tighten supporting positive change, client expectations,reporting of Scope 3, or supply chain, emissions, employee expectations and the externalwhich effectively engages the organisations entire operational environment. supply chain regardless of size or materiality Of these some key drivers are emerging: of exposure. To continue to be competitive all suppliers in that chain must be able to quantify their Attracting & retaining top talent. contribution and articulate their reduction plans to Young people and recent graduates are increasinglytheir customers overall greenhouse gas emissions 24'