b'BACK TO NAVIGATIONPHYSICAL WELLBEING2019 AusLSA Member PerformanceOverall the commitment to providing support for physical fitness and wellbeing initiatives was widespread and included a variety of different approaches to programs and initiatives. Ninety one percent of firms reported having an active physical wellbeing policy or strategy. All members had allocated the responsibility to implement their policy to director or manager within the firm including those without a policy in place. In forty-three percent of firms this involved a Partner of the firm and in seventy-nine percent of firms a manager or director also played a role in the management or delivery of the programs. Just over half (fifty-four percent) of all firms also involved workplace based committees to help build a broader participation and ownership in their program implementation. Firms tended to implement initiatives that focussed on preventative health by educating staff, providing health screenings or to improving health and fitness to increase resilience. The most common physical wellness initiative was from specific ergonomic equipment, assessments and training with all respondents providing them. Firms also provided some medical support including flu shots being provided by all but four firms and health checks being provided by seventy percent of firms. Workplace physical fitness programs including gym memberships, mat style and HIIT classes were also popular, being provided by seventy nine percent of firms. Challenges and OpportunitiesThe promotion of positive, healthy lifestyles and initiatives which both encourage and support these lifestyles are recognised as fundamental to reducing a range of chronic health conditions as well as making people generally more happy and productive.The role of prevention of and the early recognition and treatment of illnesses is key to reducing disease and injury and needs greater appreciation. To address major health concerns, we must increasingly focus on the underlying causes - both within the workplace and outside. While the benefits of improving the health of a workforce are generally undisputed, established measurement methodologies to qualify these benefits are rare. This lack of management information can limit the ability to account for typical ROI based decisions and lead to work place opportunities to improve physical well-being going unfunded and the benefits being unrealised. In the short-term senior leaders need to increase their understanding of overall relationships between health and productivity and costs so they can provide the necessary leadership. In the medium term however the ongoing and sustainable investment relies on a commitment to measurement of program impacts and the setting of objectives and targets around these metrics.INITIATIVESDiscount health insuranceInhouse fitness & welnessinformationHealth, skin & eye checksMassagesSporting eventsInternal welness activities(yoga, HIIT, etc.)Gym memberships & classesWork based physical fitnessFlu vaccinationsErgonomicsHealth checks0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%Perecentage of firms31'