b'COMMUNITY| LEGAL SECTOR| 2019SUSTAINABILITY INSIGHTRECONCILIATION IN AUSTRALIAAboriginal and Torres Strait Islander reconciliation is a journey of improving mutual trust and respect and closing the gaps in opportunity. Reconciliation encourages cooperation and improved harmony between first Australians and non-Indigenous Australians.The history of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander treatment since European settlement is one that has excluded many of our 790,000 first Australians from the benefits of mainstream society and has built a legacy of disadvantage and inequality. The reconciliation process is a critical step to improving our understanding of how our history has shaped our relationships, connection and respect for each others culture. A formal process examining how to achieve recognition of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples in the Australian Constitution has been underway since 2011. In 2017 the Governments Referendum Council hosted a National Constitutional Convention at Uluru including over 250 Aboriginal delegates from across Australia. They issued the Uluru Statement from the Heart with a recommendation for an Indigenous voice to parliament. Progress of reconciliation is reflected in the targets set in the Commonwealth Governments 2008 22 year Closing the Gap agenda. There have been ongoing failures to meet the interim targets. In late 2018 the Council of Australian Governments commenced a refresh of the program which resulted in a partnership with the National Coalition of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peak Organisations.Reconciliation Australias Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) program provides a framework for organisations to realise their vision for reconciliation based around the themes of Respect, Relationships and Opportunities. Reconciliation Australias 2017 State of Reconciliation in Australia report discusses five dimensions of reconciliation; historical acceptance, equality and equity, institutional integrity, unity and race relations. In Australia the legal profession has filled an important role by working in each of these five dimensions to improve equality and reconciliation through;assistance to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Legal Centresdirect pro bono services for individuals and groupssecondments of staff to and from firmsstrategic partnership including sponsorships, corporate giving and volunteering Reconciliation Action Plans through Reconciliation Australiadevelopment of Indigenous lawyersNational Reconciliation Week and NAIDOC Week activitiesa more diversified supply chain through procurement from Indigenous-owned businesses.Career Trackers, supported by eight AusLSA members, and Tarwirri, the Indigenous Law Students and Lawyers Association of Victoria are two examples of programs aimed at increasing the number and inclusion of first Australians in the legal sector.2019 AusLSA Member PerformanceSeventy-nine percent of reporting firms either have an indigenous reconciliation policy or have one in preparation. This is an increase from fifty-six percent in 2016. All firms shared their approved policies publicly. Seventy-seven percent of these firms had formal management structures in place to implement their policies and report progress. This is an increase from seventy percent in 2016. Management mechanisms in place range from committees, partners, directors and combinations of these with seventy percent including the use of a committee. This year forty-eight percent of firms have developed a Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) that had been reviewed by Reconciliation Australia, this has increased from thirty-nine percent in 2017.FORMAL POLICY PUBLISHED POLICYPOLICY POLICYPUBLISHEDYes 52% No 18% Not Reported 3% Yes 100%Currently in Development 27%40'