b'OUR ENVIRONMENT OUR COMMUNITY OUR GOVERNANCESUMMARY AND HIGHLIGHTS: SUMMARY AND HIGHLIGHTS: SUMMARY AND HIGHLIGHTS:Hicksons proudly maintains office spaces at One InternationalHicksons is dedicated to advancing its CSR strategy, through a range ofHicksons governance structure is the cornerstone of its Towers in Barangaroo and Darby Plaza in Newcastle.initiatives aimed at making a positive impact to the community and thebusiness model, deeply rooted in the firms culture and legal industry. Our key efforts include:values. Our model emphasizes four strategic pillars: client The Barangaroo precinct, including Tower One, boastsdevelopment, attracting and retaining top talent, delivering numerous prestigious certifications and ratings. These includeProviding pro-bono legal services and acting on behalf of NFPexceptional services and solutions, and achieving operational Climate Active, WELL International, Active Score Gold, organisations and volunteering at the University of Newcastle Legalexcellence. To realize our strategic goals and vision, we NABERS, and Green Star. The building is also recognized for itsClinic. implement a variety of programs and initiatives aligned with waste management and recycling programs, withOffering sponsorships to students from disadvantaged backgrounds.these pillars. Hickson is dedicated to continuous comprehensive reporting and Australian Government CarbonPartnering with institutions such as Western Sydney University,improvement and the creation of sustainable value. The firm Neutral Certification. Tower One is equipped with cutting-edgeNeuroscience Research Australia, and the NSW Government to deliveris guided by a Board of Directors and supported by the smart building infrastructure, featuring occupancy andtraineeship programs.Managing Partner and Chief Operating Officer. Additionally, environmental sensors.Supporting Indigenous students through sponsorships and careerseveral board-appointed committees, including those for opportunities provided by CareerTrackers and the Nanga Mai Awards.Risk and Compliance, Remuneration, and Finance, play Darby Plaza, a newly constructed smart building operationalEndorsing the NSW Premiers Hicksons Lawyers Health, Education,crucial roles in ensuring our success. since June 2022, is actively developing its greenhouse gasand Wellbeing Scholarship. emissions policy and carbon offset strategies. It currentlyCommitting to the NSW Police Legacy and sponsoring the NSW Police implements water recycling and power reduction initiatives for non-essential equipment, with plans to transition to 100% greenLegacy Child Safety Handbook. power.Our Graduate Program which focuses on cultivating the next generation of leaders and fostering their professional growth. Both office locations are committed to sustainability, participating in annual NABERS reporting through the NSWHicksons actively participates in various organization-led initiatives, Department of Planning, Industry and Environment. The Sydneyincluding STEPtember, R U OK? Day, Jeans for Genes Day, and office has achieved an impressive 6/6 rating and is ranked 1 outAustralias Biggest Morning Tea, reflecting our support for important of 27 tenants for the lowest energy intensity in Tower One. Bothsocial causes. The firm demonstrates involvement through offices are equipped with advanced lighting and movementcontributions on social media and hosting events to engage staff and sensors, as well as timed air conditioning systems, reflecting ourclients. We are continually exploring new opportunities to deepen our dedication to energy efficiency and environmental stewardship. involvement and enhance our contributions toward meaningful change. CLIMATEINDIGENOUSCODE OF CONDUCT ACTIONRECONCILIATION /RISK MANAGEMENTINITIATIVES:INITIATIVES:TelecommutingNational Greenhouse and Energy Reporting (NGERs) Cultural awareness trainingNAIDOC WeekNational Reconciliation Week compliant reportingTeleconferencing facilities and trainingECO-Buy Internships and employmentScholarships and student mentoringEarth HourEnd of trip facilitiesNABERSs Energy RatingClimate Pro bono supportFunding and donationsCareerTrackers participationActive - Carbon NeutralEfficient building and lighting automationRenewable ElectricityVoluntary Carbon Offsets NON LEGALSUSTAINABLE SUPPLY GROSS EMISSIONSVOLUNTEERING %CHAIN MANAGEMENT162t - 0.72t per employee 0% 0.22% INITIATIVES: 100tNFP BoardsOrganised staff volunteeringStudent tutoring and mentoring 62%Secondments to NFPsCommunity volunteering34% 1.1% CHARITABLESUPPLIER STANDARDS COVER: 61t %Human rightsFair labour practicesFair consumer and competition 38%GIVING practicesIndigenous inclusionGender equalityModern Slavery 4t/e 0 8t/e e e0 . 2 e 0 . 0plo y e m l yDiversity and InclusionFraud bribery & corruptionm po0% INITIATIVES: CARBON Firm donation programCharitable foundationWorkplace givingMatchedSUSTAINABILITY OFFSETS fundingfor employee donationsInternal appeals and collections REPORTING External charity events and appealsHost external charity eventsNET EMISSIONS REPORTING COVERS:162t - 0.72t per employee LEGAL Standalone ESG/ sustainability report PRO BONOENVIRONMENTALThese icons provide limited information about the firms legal pro bono commitment. More extensiveMANAGEMENT information is reported by the Australian Pro Bono Centre and on individual firms websites.INITIATIVES:Click for furtherWorld Environment Dayinformation from AusLSA: CitySwitch Green OfficeRECYCLING100% 100% 100% 100% OFFICESPAPER5,170 0% USAGE 2 R3k g/emploe e e cycled cone nty tINITIATIVES:Paperlite office programFollow me printingPAPER CERTIFICATION:Other Certifications'