b'2024 AusLSAOUR PEOPLE OUR ENVIRONMENTSUSTAINABILITY SUMMARY AND HIGHLIGHTS: SUMMARY AND HIGHLIGHTS:PROFILE BN is dedicated to offering a work environment where people feelWe believe that every organisation must play its role to supported, valued, respected and empowered to thrive in theirreduce its impact on the environment and we strive for more careers.Our key objectives centre around people including havingsustainable work practices.BN aims to minimise our high staff engagement, low turnover, a diverse & inclusive culture, asenvironmental impact and reduce the carbon footprint of our well as identifying and supporting our next generation of leaders. business We provide remote working options, a 9.5 day fortnight for full-timethough a range of environmental initiatives and the ongoing staff, a health & wellbeing leave day and yearly allowance,development of our sustainability program framework. This performance bonuses, shared care parental leave, public holidayincludes net zero targets, emissions measurements and swap policy and LinkedIn Learning licences.Our efforts in the peoplereduction initiatives including renewable energy and space have been recognised by our listing as an Employer of Choicesustainable travel.by Australasian Lawyer from 2019 - 2023. BN is committed to making the environment a bigger part of the conversation by encouraging staff to share ideas about what further steps can be taken at a national and office level to develop and encourage adherence to our sustainability objectives.Barry Nilsson LawyersHeadcount:239 (FTE)Floor Area:6,730m2Number of Offices : 6 GENDER39% 68% 82% 56% CLIMATEEQUALITY ACTIONBarry Nilsson (BN) is a national law firm and a socially and environmentallyINITIATIVES: responsible business.We are conscious of International Womens DayLCA Diversity and Inclusion CharterEquitableINITIATIVES:TelecommutingGreen Star rated buildings 4-6 starEnergy efficient our impact and strive to create meaningfulbriefing pledge (e.g. CommBar/LCA)Host or lead external programs and/ refits undertakenSpecify energy efficient appliancesTeleconferencing or forumsFemale advancement, mentoring and coachingTraining - Gender change for our people, communities andawareness unconscious biasInternal D&I networks or committeesfacilities and trainingECO-BuyEarth HourRide to Work Day the environment.These values are driven LSNSW Charter - Advancement of WomenEqual pay controlsEnd of trip facilitiesNABERSs Energy RatingEfficient building and lighting automationForced computer shutdownRenewable Electricityby our responsible business team, the Impact Project, dedicated to providingINCLUSIVEGROSS EMISSIONSfree legal services to vulnerable and WORKPLACE 319t - 1.3t per employee disadvantaged people, supporting charitable and community causes,12.5% 0% 41tadvancing equality for First NationsINITIATIVES:BUILDINGS 12.8%peoples, and driving sustainability and Recruitment and promotion for D&IInternal D&I networks or committees0.00m 26t/ESG initiatives across the firm.We pride Membership - DCALCA Diversity and Inclusion CharterExternal D&I programs and/or forums hostingTraining - Awareness and unconscious bias ourselves on being a progressive Staff Surveys - D&IMembership - Pride in DiversityTraining - LGBTQ+0.79% 83% 278tworkplace where everyone is supportedawarenessIDAHOBITWear it Purple DayInternal LGBTQ+ networks orTRAVELcommitteesPro bono supportTraining - LGBTQ+ awareness1 87%and empowered.We have a dedicated Gender pronouns promotionMardi Gras .1t/e e eploymDiversity & Inclusion Network and77% 0%LGBTIQ+ and Allies Network, and areFLEXIBLEGREEN passionate about policies that further WORKPLACE 18.0 18.0 100% ENERGY support employee wellbeing and inclusion. BN recognises these initiatives as a vitalNET EMISSIONSaspect of the firms social responsibility,INITIATIVES:319t - 1.3t per employeeculture and identity.Flexible work hoursPart time optionsJob sharingRemote working tools and systemsSupport for flexible workingTime in lieuUnpaid leaveCarers leaveStudy leaveVolunteering leavePurchased leaveCareer breaksPhased retirementAdjusted KPIs after absencesSabbaticalsBonus leaveENVIRONMENTALDomestic violence leaveFamily and fertility leaveMANAGEMENTPSYCHOLOGICALINITIATIVES:WELLBEINGWorld Environment DayOffice green teamsCitySwitch Green OfficeINITIATIVES:Minds Count -TJMF GuidelinesR U OK? programPsychological support/ EAPRECYCLING100% Mental health first aid training and supportMental Health Awareness WeekTraining - Mental health awareness and management OFFICES Domestic violence strategyPHYSICALPAPERWELLBEINGUSAGE INITIATIVES: INITIATIVES: Paperlite office programGreen accredited paper purchase specificationErgonomics programProactive health checksFlu vaccinations Follow me printing Internal exercise sessionsTeam eventsMassagesWellness awareness andPAPER CERTIFICATION: promotionOnsite fruit and healthy cateringHealth EAPForestry Stewardship Council (FSC) certifiedNCOS Certified Carbon NeutralPEFC Australian Forestry standard'