b'2024 AusLSAOUR PEOPLE OUR ENVIRONMENTSUSTAINABILITY SUMMARY AND HIGHLIGHTS: SUMMARY AND HIGHLIGHTS:PROFILE Every person at Colin Biggers & Paisley is proud of what we do andWe manage our own impact on the environment through a the work we do for our clients, the careers we build for our people,range of sustainability initiatives. Throughout all our offices and the contribution we make to our communities. We also enjoywe have reduced our packaging and waste by decreasing our working together, respecting and supporting each other, andprinted matter. We always send our publications electronically celebrating our diverse contributions.and when documents do need to be printed, we only use PEFC certified and carbon neutral paper. We use double Our values of balance, respect, loyalty and integrity underpinsided printing as the default setting on all printers and always everything we do. We believe in a workplace that inspires our peoplerecycle toner cartridges. We encourage all employees to use to be creative, passionate and innovative. the recycling facilities wherever possible and have colour coded bins for this purpose, with a large percentage of all Were a diverse group of people who are passionate about the law,waste being recycled. We only purchase environmentally down to earth and motivated to make a difference. We believe insustainable appliances and IT equipment and ensure that all equality and provide all employees with opportunities to build andof our old IT equipment is donated to schools or charities. For advance their careers in a way that is meaningful and fair.our commercial clients, an important aspect of our work isproviding legal advice relating to environmental best practice We offer a range of benefits including a comprehensive Wellbeingand climate change adaptation.program, which was expanded during the pandemic to ensure our people had access to support as they navigated the challenges of covid and lockdown/s. Our financial benefits include paid parental leave; emergency childcare; purchased leave; Gender Affirmation Colin Biggers & Paisley leave; study assistance; recruitment referral rewards; and insurances. Families@CBP supports our people returning from parental leave and Headcount:465 (FTE) reinforces our inclusive culture where open communication about Floor Area:7,690m2 balancing family life is encouraged. Number of Offices : 3 Colin Biggers & Paisley is a leading nationalGENDER27% 60% 76% 59% CLIMATE legal practice in our industries of focus, EQUALITY ACTIONincluding insurance, property, construction, transport and logistics, education, corporateINITIATIVES: advisory, technology, aged care, faith-basedINITIATIVES: Green Star rated buildings 4-6 starTeleconferencing facilities and enterprises and government. Our 480 people International Womens DayLCA Diversity and Inclusion ChartertrainingEarth HourEnd of trip facilitiesNABERSs Energy RatingGender sensitive promotion and recruitmentInternal D&I networks or Efficient building and lighting automationacross Brisbane, Melbourne and Sydney,committeesLSNSW Charter - Advancement of WomenEqual pay controls including 73 partners, are practical, Showcasing gender diversity experiences GROSS EMISSIONSpersonable and outcome focused. 650t - 1.4t per employee INCLUSIVEWORKPLACE 55% 0% 364tBUILDINGS 56%0.0m 25t/INITIATIVES:Recruitment and promotion for D&IInternal D&I networks or committees0.52% 42% Membership - DCALCA Diversity and Inclusion CharterMembership - Aust286tNetwork On DisabilityStaff Surveys - D&IManaging Partners Diversity ForumTRAVEL 44% Membership - Pride in DiversityMembership - Pride in LawTraining - LGBTQ+0 . 5 9t/e e epo ym lawarenessAWEI surveyIDAHOBITWear it Purple DayWorld Aids DayInternal LGBTQ+ networks or committeesPro bono supportExternal0% 0%LGBTQ+ programs hostingTraining - LGBTQ+ awarenessMardi GrasGender affirmation policyAWEI award GREEN ENERGY FLEXIBLE16.0 3.0 100% NET EMISSIONS WORKPLACE 650t - 1.4t per employeeINITIATIVES:Flexible work hoursPart time optionsJob sharingRemote working tools andENVIRONMENTAL systemsSupport for flexible workingTime in lieuUnpaid leaveCarers leave MANAGEMENT Study leaveVolunteering leaveReligious and ceremonial leavePurchased leaveCareer breaksPhased retirementAdjusted KPIs after absencesINITIATIVES:SabbaticalsDomestic violence leaveFamily and fertility leave World Environment DayOffice green teamsPSYCHOLOGICALWELLBEING RECYCLING100% OFFICES INITIATIVES:R U OK? programPsychological support/ EAPMental Health Awareness WeekTraining - Mental health awareness and managementSalary continuancePAPERDomestic violence strategyMental health office championUSAGEPHYSICALINITIATIVES:Paperlite office programGreen accredited paper purchase specificationWELLBEINGFollow me printing PAPER CERTIFICATION: INITIATIVES: PEFC Australian Forestry standard Ergonomics programProactive health checksFlu vaccinationsGym membershipsTeam eventsMassagesWellness awareness and promotionOnsite fruit and healthy cateringLife & TPD insuranceHealth EAP'