b'MEMBER RESULTS 2024 O UCommunity PRO BONO R PROGR CAMS OBeing a recognised and respected part of theMMcommunity involves sharing their values andUN INON-LEGAL TYcaring about their welfare. VOLUNTEERINGIndigenous Reconciliationaspirational target of at least 35 hours of pro Indigenous reconciliation continues to bebono legal services per lawyer per year.CHARITABLEa key area of focus for both law firms andGIVINGprofessional services more broadly. 90%Volunteering RECONCILIATIONof AusLSA members have an IndigenousSkilled non-legal volunteering is a critical inputIN AUSTRALIAreconciliation policy (73%) or have a policy into the not-for-profit and community sector development (17%). and is highly valued by recipients. 88% of AusLSA member firms coordinate volunteering Nearly two-thirds of AusLSA members haveprograms for staff, including community also developed a formal Reconciliation Actionvolunteering, company-organised programs, Plan (RAP). In 2024, half of these were Reflectnot-for-profit board positions, and paid RAPs, a third were Innovate RAPs, and thevolunteering time. 88% of members actively remaining fifth were Stretch RAPs. supported their employees and partners participation on boards and administrative Of the indigenous reconciliation initiativespositions in not-for-profit or community implemented by AusLSA members, pro bonoorganisations.services for First Nations People are one of the top initiatives, with 83% of membersCharitable Giving providing these services. AusLSA members90% of AusLSAs reporting members have also implement initiatives for attracting andformal charitable giving programs in place, hiring First Nations Lawyers through culturalwhich of these members, include external awareness training (83%), internships andcharity event participation (88%), a formalised employment opportunities (62%), andfirm donation program (79%), matched funding volunteering and secondment opportunitiesfor employee donations (74%), hosting external (55%). charity events (67%), workplace giving (67%), and funding of a charitable foundation (48%).Pro Bono88% of AusLSA members indicated that they have a formally endorsed pro bono strategy in place, and 90% of those members have a formally appointed coordinator or manager who has a primary responsibility to coordinate the firms pro bono work. 81% of members are signatories to the Australian Pro Bono Centre'