b'OUR ENVIRONMENT OUR COMMUNITY OUR GOVERNANCESUMMARY AND HIGHLIGHTS: SUMMARY AND HIGHLIGHTS: SUMMARY AND HIGHLIGHTS:We are committed to reducing our environmental impact andAt Carroll & ODea Lawyers we have a proud and long tradition ofCarroll & ODea has a formal Principle Partner Committee promoting sustainable practices across our offices.helping and assisting others in the community.(meets monthly), All Partners forum (meets monthly), Finance Through the implementation of our sustainability policy, weOur solicitors do voluntary work in a range of community legalCommittee (meeting quarterly), Remuneration Committee, have created a framework for understanding and managingcentres and regularly take on pro-bono matters referred by the PublicRisk Management Committee, Sustainability Committee & our impact on the environment, including by conductingInterest Law Clearing House. We are involved in the MOSAICDiversity Committee. All have terms of reference. green audits, to evaluate adherence to our sustainabilityMentoring Program, which provides free face-to-face legal assistance policy. Energy saving mode is set on all photocopiers andto asylum seekers and refugees. printers, and we have installed meters on photocopiers whichWe support The Shed at Plumpton Mount Druitt, which provides free discourage wasteful photocopying.legal advice and representation to people who are homeless or at risk Our air conditioning shuts down after 6:00 pm on businessof homelessness. The firm is also involved in the Clemente Australia days and remains switched off over the weekend.Program, a university education program that helps individuals from Office lights are automatically switched off after 8:00 pm ondisadvantaged backgrounds get a university education. business days and operate on a timed manual system afterFrom our founding partners 118 years ago to our team today, at 8:00 pm and over the weekend.Carroll & ODea Lawyers we are guided by the simple principle of As well, motion activated sensor lighting is installed in ourgiving back to the community. So much so that our most recent staff bathrooms.survey found that it was one of the most attractive things about We encourage our staff to reduce their use of officeworking at Carroll & ODea Lawyers. consumables and to recycle. Each staff member is provided with a recycling bin at their work area and we have placed large communal recycling bins throughout our offices, including in our kitchens. We encourage all our staff to adopt sustainable practices in the workplace and to share their ideas with others.CLIMATEINDIGENOUSCODE OF CONDUCT ACTIONRECONCILIATION /RISK MANAGEMENTINITIATIVES:Specify energy efficient appliancesEarth HourEfficient building andINITIATIVES: lighting automationCultural awareness trainingGROSS EMISSIONS349t - 1.5t per employeeNON LEGALVOLUNTEERING %0% 0.33% 329t94% INITIATIVES:NFP BoardsPaid volunteer timeCommunity volunteering5.0% 0.06% 21t CHARITABLE 0 0 5.9% %. 0 8t/e e e . 0 0 0 9t/e y e eGIVINGm l y m opo pl0%CARBONINITIATIVES: OFFSETSCharitable foundationNET EMISSIONS LEGAL 349t - 1.5t per employeePRO BONOThese icons provide limited information about the firms legal pro bono commitment. More extensive ENVIRONMENTALinformation is reported by the Australian Pro BonoMANAGEMENT Centre and on individual firms websites.Click for further INITIATIVES:information from AusLSA: World Environment DayRECYCLING100% 90% % % OFFICESPAPER11,995 38% USAGE5 1 R e tkg/employ e e cycled cont e nINITIATIVES:Paperlite office programPAPER CERTIFICATION:PEFC Australian Forestry standard'