b'OUR ENVIRONMENT OUR COMMUNITY OUR GOVERNANCESUMMARY AND HIGHLIGHTS: SUMMARY AND HIGHLIGHTS: SUMMARY AND HIGHLIGHTS:The Lantern Legal Group is very aware that our dailyWe are committed to change and ensuring that we have a positiveAll Principals, senior management team members and operations affect the environment.impact on the environment and the communities in which we workleaders within the firm are responsible for assisting the firm Where possible we continue to reduce our energy usage andand live. to meet its community, social and environmental goals. water usage. We have a firm-wide target set to reduce ourWe see it as our responsibility to use our knowledge and expertise toWe will continue to advance community, social and electricity usage, this is monitored on-line through the Powerbetter the community, which is why we provide substantial pro bonoenvironmental consciousness across the firm. This will Cor website and in Excel spreadsheets. All our offices haveservices to charities and not for profits. Our people actively give backinclude: - Continuing our pro bono program - Providing our water saving devices. We have recycling procedures in placeby participating as members of boards and committees in thetalents and services to community organisations by sitting on for cardboard, paper, polystyrene, batteries and Nescafenot-for-profit sector, allowing them to grow professionally andtheir boards of management and/or committees. - Promoting pods as well as other commingled rubbish. The confidentialpersonally while making a real difference where it is needed most.our corporate social responsibility and environmental document destruction service shreds then pulps the paper forpolicies across the firm. - Benchmarking our resource and recycling. E waste goes to a local not for profit group whereWe invest in meaningful partnerships that better the community in aenergy use through AusLSA or similar organisations. In their teams dismantle electronic equipment for recycling.range of sectors including childrens health, disability, business, sportparticular, our pro bono program and commitment to There is an ongoing operational need to use paper, but thisand tourism. We believe collaboration is key to enhancing thecommunity organisations will seek to benefit disadvantaged does not mean that we cant reduce the amount of printingcommunity, and are proud to work with our partners to help themsectors of the communities in which the firm practices. The that we do. Our printers have a default setting for doubleachieve their desired outcomes. Community starts in your ownBoard will oversee the implementation of this aspect of our sided printing, unless the user makes the conscious decisionbackyard, which is why we strive to build a positive workplace wherestrategy across the firm, including by incorporating as for single sided. Printers also default to black and white. Weour people can flourish and achieve their full potential.appropriate review in principal, senior management team receive invoices electronically instead of using the AusPostand lawyer performance reviews. service where possible. Our staff who regularly commuteTo the extent possible, we will attempt to measure the between our 2 main offices in Geelong or Melbourne, useoutcomes both for the firm and the community of our V-Line public transport in preference to driving theirengagement. This may include seeking feedback from our own or company vehicles.employees and the community regarding our community, social and environmental performanceCLIMATEINDIGENOUSCODE OF CONDUCT ACTIONRECONCILIATION /RISK MANAGEMENTINITIATIVES:TelecommutingEnergy efficient refits undertakenTeleconferencingINITIATIVES: facilities and trainingEnd of trip facilitiesEfficient building and lighting Pro bono supportautomationGROSS EMISSIONS NON LEGAL 4.7t - 0.05t per employee VOLUNTEERING %0% 18.0% 0.84tINITIATIVES: 18.0%NFP BoardsOrganised staff volunteeringPaid volunteer timeStudent tutoring and mentoringCommunity volunteeringArts support82% 0% 3.8t CHARITABLE 0 82%GIVING %. 0 4t/e y e e 0/elo t ploy e ep mm0%CARBONINITIATIVES: OFFSETSFirm donation programCharitable foundationWorkplace givingMatched fundingfor employee donationsInternal appeals and collectionsNET EMISSIONS LEGAL 4.7t - 0.05t per employeePRO BONOThese icons provide limited information about the ENVIRONMENTALfirms legal pro bono commitment. More extensiveMANAGEMENT information is reported by the Australian Pro Bono Centre and on individual firms websites.INITIATIVES:Click for furtherWorld Environment Day information from AusLSA:RECYCLING100% 100% % 100% OFFICESPAPER2,545 99% USAGE 2 R8 e e ntk g/employ e cycled cont eINITIATIVES:Follow me printingPAPER CERTIFICATION:NCOS Certified Carbon Neutral'