b'BACK TO NAVIGATIONJoshua Martin Paul Fencaros Foresight Consulting Group, AusLSA General Manager & SecretarySpecialist Board MemberPaul Fencaros joined AusLSA this year as the new Josh is the Founder of Foresight Consulting Group, oneGeneral Manager and Board Secretary. He brings of Australias leading dedicated climate change andexpertise in corporate sustainability and climate action, sustainability consultancies. He has over 15 yearswith a particular focus on developing decarbonisation experience providing advisory and assurance servicesstrategies to support companies achieve their net-zero to many of the Fortune 500 and ASX 200 companies.commitments.He has also worked extensively with legal firms in Australia supporting with climate-related disclosures,Prior to joining AusLSA, Paul was a Senior Consultant at target setting and decarbonisation strategies.Foresight Consulting Group, where he specialised in GHG accounting, science-based target setting, climate Prior to Foresight, Josh was a Director at EY where herisk, and developing net-zero climate strategies. Paul was responsible for leading the firms Climate Changedelivered work for clients across a wide range sectorsand Energy sub-service line for the Oceania region andincluding mining, retail, telecommunications, tertiary prior to that he was the Climate Change Assuranceeducation, and legal servicesand successfully led Service Line Leader for Australias leading climateprojects for several prominent ASX 200 companies.change and sustainability service provider, Net Balance, before its acquisition by EY.As AusLSAs General Manager, Paul aims to leverage his extensive sustainability consulting experience to Josh holds a bachelors degree in Environmentaladvance climate action initiatives of AusLSAs members, Science from Monash University, is registered leadwhile improving the accuracy and transparency of auditor with the Clean Energy Regulator, a registeredAusLSAs sustainability reporting.Climate Active Consultant, a qualified ISO 14064 (GHG assessment) practitioner, a lead auditor for the EUOutside of work, Paul is an enthusiastic adventure and Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) and a certified Globaltravel photographer and enjoys riding his motorcycle Reporting Initiative (GRI) practitioner. through the countryside on sunny weekends. He also pursues his seasonal interests in outdoor rock climbing Outside of work, Josh spends time with his son playingand snowboarding.basketball, going to the beach, and camping. He enjoys calisthenics, has a taste for cognac, and likes to engage in thought-provoking conversations.3'