b'OUR ENVIRONMENT OUR COMMUNITY OUR GOVERNANCESUMMARY AND HIGHLIGHTS: SUMMARY AND HIGHLIGHTS: SUMMARY AND HIGHLIGHTS:We are committed to managing and reducing our impact on thePro Bono Principal Jilly Field, Lawyers Weekly Pro Bono Partner of theGilchrist Connell strictly complies with all relevant legislation, environment. Gilchrist Connells Executive endorsed an EMS forYear 2023, leads a practice aimed at addressing unmet legal needsregulations and corporate governance guidelines, and the firm using the AusLSA framework in 2023. Since then thefor communities facing marginalisation. Our Pro Bono Strategy andensures ethical corporate behaviour in accordance with our firm has published its Environmental Policy, established aValues Statement are based in Care Ethics, literacy in systemicvalues across all aspects of our business. Sustainability Committee and local action groups, and hasinjustice and developing realistic responses to complex social issues. developed an Environmental Management Plan setting clearIn FY24 we exceeded the Australian Pro Bono Target with an averageOverseen by our Head of Risk and Compliance the firms measurable goals as the firms progresses on its journey towardof 38 hours per year per lawyer with a 65% participation rate. operations are assessed bi-annually against a Risk net zero. Management framework in line with ISO 37001, supported Consistent with law firms throughout Australia, we haveThrough our program - The Systemic Reform Project - our lawyersby a Business Continuity plan that protects the interest of the identified that our greatest impact on greenhouse gas emissionhave prepared almost 3200 hours of unbranded advocacy materialsfirm and its stakeholders should a disruptive event occur. is through electricity use and business flights/transport.We areon social justice issues for front line lawyers. Topics included theThe firm is ISO 27001 certified, an internationally recognised implementing measures to reduce these impacts.criminalisation of coercive control, financial abuse, sexual consent,standard ensuring effective and ongoing best practice in We have remodelled our policy as to what is necessary travel.poverty response and infringements reform.securing our information systems. This certification continues We are transitioning to green energy providers and engagingOur lawyers volunteer at legal advice clinics including the MentalGilchrist Connells track record of being at the forefront of with building management on sustainability initiatives whereverHealth Legal Centre, Baptist Care Homeless Clinic, Marrickville Legalinnovation, following its collaboration with Morae Global possible.Centre, and Western Sydney Employment Clinic.Corporation to be the first law firm in Australia to leverage We have incorporated a number of business as usualOur Pro Bono Principal and Associate are on part time secondment toLitera Foundation Firm Intelligence platform; and partnering environmentally responsible practices across our officesa Community Legal Centre focused on providing family law supportwith Thomson Reuters as a first in Australia to move to their including appropriate recycling of all paper, cardboard,for First Nation communities. We provide pro bono commercial legalElite 3E Cloud practice management system.aluminium, steel, plastic and glass materials and e-waste, use ofsupport for NFPs and First Nation Organisations. Our lawyers are recycled paper, defaulting to a paper-less documentengaged in an ongoing cultural competency mentoring program withWe have refined and improved our processes for the management system, and investing in energy efficientCALM Mediators and Griffith University. identification and management of Modern Slavery risks in technologies. our supply chain, supported by the firms involvement in the Our Pro Bono practice has been providing backgroundAustLSA Modern Slavery Co-Lab. advocacy support for a climate based charity providing reviews on just transition for Australian workers and research on climate refugees.CLIMATEINDIGENOUSCODE OF CONDUCT ACTIONRECONCILIATION /RISK MANAGEMENTINITIATIVES:INITIATIVES:TelecommutingEnergy efficient refits undertakenSpecify energy Cultural awareness trainingNational Reconciliation WeekPro bono support efficient appliancesTeleconferencing facilities and trainingEnd of trip Funding and donationsfacilitiesEfficient building and lighting automationForced computer shutdownRenewable Electricity NON LEGAL GROSS EMISSIONSVOLUNTEERING % SUSTAINABLE SUPPLY 311t - 1.3t per employee CHAIN MANAGEMENT0% 0.15% INITIATIVES: 91tNFP BoardsOrganised staff volunteeringPaid volunteer time 29%Blood donationsSkilled volunteering programCommunity volunteeringCPD for community sector lawyers69% 1.6% 220t CHARITABLESUPPLIER STANDARDS COVER: %Human rightsEnvironmental impactsFair labour practices 71%GIVINGIndigenous inclusionGender equalityModern Slavery 0 . 9 1t/e e e 0 . 0 2t/e e epo y po ym l m l Diversity and InclusionFraud bribery & corruption0% CARBONINITIATIVES:Firm donation programInternal appeals and collectionsExternal charitySUSTAINABILITY OFFSETS events and appealsREPORTINGNET EMISSIONS LEGAL 311t - 1.3t per employeePRO BONOThese icons provide limited information about the ENVIRONMENTALfirms legal pro bono commitment. More extensive information is reported by the Australian Pro BonoMANAGEMENT Centre and on individual firms websites.INITIATIVES:Click for further information from AusLSA: Office green teamsCitySwitch Green OfficeRECYCLING100% 60% 20% 100% OFFICESPAPER2,814 70% USAGE 1 2 R e.0 kg/employ e e cycled con ntt eINITIATIVES:Paperlite office programGreen accredited paper purchase specificationFollow me printingRecycled paper purchase specificationPAPER CERTIFICATION:PEFC Australian Forestry standard'