b'2024 AusLSAOUR PEOPLE OUR ENVIRONMENTSUSTAINABILITY SUMMARY AND HIGHLIGHTS: SUMMARY AND HIGHLIGHTS:PROFILE As a firm Carroll & ODea promotes equality and well-being in theWe are committed to reducing our environmental impact and work place.promoting sustainable practices across our offices. Through the implementation of our sustainability policy, we Initiatives are in place to ensure staff can easily communicate withhave created a framework for understanding and managing one another on both a workplace and social level. The firm holdsour impact on the environment, including by conducting regular Linkers Zoom /Teams Meetings, where staff are invited togreen audits, to evaluate adherence to our sustainability come together and voice any concerns or practical suggestions forpolicy. Energy saving mode is set on all photocopiers and improvements that could be advantageous to the firm as a whole. Theprinters, and we have installed meters on photocopiers which firm also conducts a staff survey to identify any particular areas thatdiscourage wasteful photocopying. may require improvement. The results of the staff survey areOur air conditioning shuts down after 6:00 pm on business communicated across the firm.days and remains switched off over the weekend. Carroll & ODea facilitates personal counselling when necessaryOffice lights are automatically switched off after 8:00 pm on through AccessEAP, a private and confidential service to support andbusiness days and operate on a timed manual system after assist staff. The diverse capability of our workforce is what positions8:00 pm and over the weekend. Carroll & ODea to deliver high quality, tailored services to ourAs well, motion activated sensor lighting is installed in our diverse range of Clients.bathrooms. We recruit people from all background. We believe that diversityWe encourage our staff to reduce their use of office encompasses different ethnicity, gender, language, age, religion,consumables and to recycle. Each staff member is provided socio-economic background, physical and mental ability, experiencewith a recycling bin at their work area and we have placed Carroll & ODea Lawyers and education. We offer regular internal & external leaninglarge communal recycling bins throughout our offices, opportunities and mentoring programs. Headcount:233 (FTE) The firm provides a calendar of training sessions that run throughoutincluding in our kitchens. We encourage all our staff to adopt sustainable practices in Floor Area:4,410m2 the year for our support staff to further develop and improve theirthe workplace and to share their ideas with others.skills. Number of Offices : 6 GENDER36% 62% 84% 60% CLIMATEEQUALITY ACTIONFor decades, Carroll & ODea Lawyers have been at the forefront of change. OverINITIATIVES: INITIATIVES: Specify energy efficient appliancesEarth HourEfficient building and the years our work has helped give access International Womens DayEmployer of Choice for Gender Equalitylighting automationto justice to ordinary and marginalised Pay Equity AmbassadorHost or lead external programs and/or forumsFemale advancement, mentoring and coachingGender sensitive promotion andGROSS EMISSIONSAustralians. Carroll & ODea Lawyers workrecruitmentWomen on Boardsfor individuals and large and small349t - 1.5t per employee companies across many industries.INCLUSIVE94% 0%Whether we assist you with a workplace WORKPLACE BUILDINGS 329tdispute, property transaction, commercial94%advice, or a compensation claim, well0.0m 27t/complete your work to the highestINITIATIVES:0.79% 5.0%standard.Internal D&I networks or committeesTraining - Awareness and unconscious biasTRAVEL 21t Staff Surveys - D&IManaging Partners Diversity Forum0 5.9%. 0 8t/eplo y e eOur purpose, as a firm, is to make anmimportant difference to our clients, to ourFLEXIBLE0% 0%people and to our community through a WORKPLACE 88% GREEN positive and supportive environment.ENERGYWe do this by:INITIATIVES:NET EMISSIONS Flexible work hoursPart time optionsJob sharingRemote working tools and systemsSupport for flexible workingTime in lieuUnpaid leaveCarers leave349t - 1.5t per employee.providing access to justice Study leaveVolunteering leaveCareer breaksPhased retirementBonus .solving complex legal problemsleaveFamily and fertility leave.being responsive and innovative whenENVIRONMENTAL faced with challengesPSYCHOLOGICAL MANAGEMENT.providing a satisfying and rewarding WELLBEINGworkplace for allINITIATIVES: .making a contribution to the community, World Environment DayAs a firm, we bring together the firmsINITIATIVES: experts, with their experience and R U OK? programPsychological support/ EAPTraining - Mental health awareness and managementSalary continuanceExternal mental health knowledge, and the firms resources toprograms hosting RECYCLING100%benefit our clients and our people. OFFICESPHYSICALWELLBEINGPAPERUSAGEINITIATIVES:Ergonomics programFlu vaccinationsTeam eventsMassagesWellnessINITIATIVES: awareness and promotionOnsite fruit and healthy cateringHealth EAPPaperlite office programPAPER CERTIFICATION:PEFC Australian Forestry standard'