b'CASE STUDY: MADDOCKSCHALLENGESFirms often face challenges when developingtailoring engagement with suppliers based on and implementing strategies to mitigate modernthe relationships nature, these challenges can be slavery risks, particularly with limited time andeffectively managed. Maddocks has developed a resources. The complexity of mapping supplyseries of measures that address these challenges chains and assessing risks can be daunting.and enhance the firms capacity to manage However, by adopting a risk-based approach,modern slavery risks.leveraging established methodologies, and SOLUTIONS AND ACTIONSMaddocks has implemented several processes toSupplier Code of Conduct: Maddocks MADDOCKS mitigate modern slavery risks in its supply chain,published a Supplier Code of Conduct, outlining including: its expectations of suppliers regarding modern Supplier Mapping: A thorough mappingslavery and other ethical standards, including exercise involving key stakeholders across thehuman rights, labour, health, safety, and firm to gain a deeper understanding of theenvironmental requirements.supply chain and identify key suppliers. Contractual Clauses: Tailored contractual Risk Assessment Tool: Developed based onclauses, based on Australian Government model the Commonwealth Governments guidanceclauses, are included in supplier contracts to and Global Slavery Index statistics, the Riskclarify expectations around modern slavery risk Assessment Tool helps streamline the evaluationmanagement. These are implemented based on of suppliers. It assesses each supplier baseda prioritised, risk-based approach.on four key risk factors: Sector and IndustrySite Visit: A physical site visit was conducted with Risks, Product and Services Risks, Geographica key third-party service provider in South Africa, Risks, and Entity Risks. The assigned risk levelidentified as a high-priority due to geographic determines the extent of due diligence requiredrisks. The visit included an inspection of the for each supplier. premises, a review of relevant policies, and staff Supplier Surveys and Follow-ups: Tailoredinterviews, ensuring that the level of engagement surveys and follow-ups are used to gain deepermatched the suppliers risk profile and the insights into each suppliers specific risk profilestrength of the firms relationship with them.and their efforts to mitigate modern slavery risks.RECOMMENDATIONSBased on Maddocks experience, the following steps are recommended for firms seeking to address modern slavery risks in their supply chains:Map Your Supply Chain: Invest time inThorough Procurement Processes: mapping your supply chain to identifyImplement robust procurement processes to high-risk areas, which will provide a strongassess both new and existing suppliers.foundation for ongoing efforts. Tailor Supplier Engagement: Adjust the Use Established Resources: Leveragelevel of engagement with suppliers based on publicly available, reputable resources andthe risk they present and the nature of the global standards when developing policiesfirms relationship with them.and strategies.25'