b'BACK TO NAVIGATIONAusLSAs Executive members 2025AusLSA is indebted to the commitment and support of its six Executive Members and Foresight. Since its establishment in 2010 AusLSAs Executive Members have been instrumental in providing leadership, strategic, logistical and financial support: AusLSA is also assisted by Foresight Consulting Group who provide administrative and office support.In addition, AusLSA greatly benefits from the specialist expertise Foresight Consulting Group provides through its board appointment.Focus and DirectionPriorities for 2025 In the context of a rapidly evolving regulatoryAusLSA Sustainability Reporting and Analysis Toollandscape and increasing demand from clients and stakeholders for companies to take action onAs international frameworks, guidelines, and pressing environmental and social challenges,standards for climate and sustainability reporting corporate accountability and transparency hashave evolved in recent years for improved rigor, taken centre stage in recent years. This followsthoroughness, and interoperability across ongoing improvements being made to thereporting frameworks, AusLSA has set a key priority mandatory and voluntary frameworks, guidelines,for 2025 to ensure that the Sustainability Reporting and standards that have been developed forand Analysis Tool (SRAT) is enhanced to improve its corporate sustainability-related disclosures andscope and continued alignment with current reporting. guidelines and best practices for reporting.The 29th session of the UNFCCC Conference of theImprovements will be made to the Environment Parties (COP29) in Baku, Azerbaijan in Novemberand emissions component of AusLSAs reporting this year is expected to further enhance public andtool for improved alignment with the Greenhouse private sector ambition on climate action. WithGas Protocol, including Scope 3 emissions further regulatory changes on the horizon andcategories. This will ensure that AusLSA members corporate green washing to be placed underreporting through the tool are capturing their full increased scrutiny, companies and governmentsscope of emissions, including emissions associated can no longer sit on the sidelines. Corporatewith their upstream and downstream activities, executives and leadership teams are being heldsuch as business travel, employee commuting, accountable for ensuring that their organisationswaste management, and supply chain operations.are suitably prepared for future regulatory changesAusLSA Member Programsand that sustainability is being integrated at the core of doing business. AusLSA will continue to deliver programs and information sessions on sustainability topics to members in 2025. These programs are often developed and delivered through AusLSAs partnerships with government, companies and non-profit organisations to improve the knowledge and capacity of member firms to address the sustainability challenges they are faced with and to keep informed of emerging trends and insights around corporate sustainanility and reporting.7'