b'OUR ENVIRONMENT OUR COMMUNITY OUR GOVERNANCESUMMARY AND HIGHLIGHTS: SUMMARY AND HIGHLIGHTS: SUMMARY AND HIGHLIGHTS:Over the last two years, FPA has reduced the overall footprintFPA continues to support our people to build further their awarenessAs a subsidiary of QANTM Intellectual Property, FPA adheres of our Australian offices by 40%. Our priorities were two fold,and understanding of First Nations culture and shared history. Weto a regular cadence of both monthly and quarterly Board to minimise our environmental impact and to deliver on ouroffer self-paced online learning programs that provide informationreporting. The Management Risk Committee (MRC) has been design vision of Nurturing Connections. To achieve theseabout the traditions and living cultures of the Aboriginal and Torresestablished to provide assurance that risk analysis and goals, we have directed our efforts to reducing ourStrait Islander people. For NAIDOC week this year, we invitedmanagement processes are effective, compliant and applied environmental footprint, whilst providing our staff with aAboriginal leader, Karen Milward to speak to employees, reflectingappropriately to critical decisions and to make working from office environment built specifically to enhanceon the theme of NAIDOC Week 2024, the work being undertaken byrecommendations for necessary changes when they are not. collaboration, support ergonomic needs and uphold our ESGKinaway, the Aboriginal Chamber of Commerce in Victoria, and linksThe MRC reports regularly to the Audit Risk Compliance pillars. In selecting the locations of our new offices, we werebetween the work our people do at FPA and the Aboriginal andCommittee. The QANTM WHS Committee continues to careful to ensure close proximity to multiple forms of publicTorres Strait Islander community. The precinct of our two offices inmeet monthly, with representatives from across the Group. transport to minimise the need for travelling to work by car.each of Melbourne and Sydney have a strong focus on communityThe role of this Committee is to act as a peak body to Our Green Team has focussed on various initiativesand connection to support and encourage participation of tenantsrecognise WHS related issues and assist with developing throughout the year, including supporting the National eventand individuals. We recognise the opportunity to have a positivestrategies for communication, support and action. The WHS of Ride 2 Work Day, National Recycling Week and Earth Hour.impact through social procurement when engaging with socialCommittee reports into the People, Remuneration and We have supported a team member with individual and giftventures. When gifting employees with flowers on special occasions,Culture Committee on a monthly basis, providing both matched donations when participating in the last ever Oxfamwe chose to work with Beautiful Bunch Flowers, a floral socialqualitative and quantitative data and recommendations. In Walk and also in the Annual Nature Walk Challenge. Now thatenterprise dedicated to supporting young refugee and migrantthis last year, there has been a strong focus on sanctions we have addressed the primary area of our officewomen to bloom. Our catering providers include SisterWorks awhich has been reinforced with group wide Sanctions environmental footprint, we continue to focus on recyclingsocial enterprise supporting refugee and asylum-seeking migrantCompliance training for all staff. This is to ensure that all staff efforts, other ways in which we can all contribute towomen through work and entrepreneurship.have a sound understanding of sanctions regulations and sustainability initiatives, caring for the environment and livingrequirements. By educating our staff, we are working to our ESG statement. make sure they can identify and properly handle any sanctions-related issues that may arise in the course of their work.CLIMATEINDIGENOUSCODE OF CONDUCT ACTIONRECONCILIATION /RISK MANAGEMENTINITIATIVES:TelecommutingGreen Star rated buildings 4-6 starEnergy efficientINITIATIVES: refits undertakenSpecify energy efficient appliancesTeleconferencing Cultural awareness trainingNAIDOC WeekInternships and employment facilities and trainingEarth HourRide to Work DayEnd of trip Volunteering and secondmentsfacilitiesNABERSs Energy RatingEfficient building and lighting automation NON LEGAL GROSS EMISSIONSVOLUNTEERING % SUSTAINABLE SUPPLY 376t - 5.1t per employee CHAIN MANAGEMENT0% 0.05% INITIATIVES: 25tPaid volunteer timeBlood donationsStudent tutoring and mentoring 6.6%Community volunteeringArts support93% 0.66% CHARITABLE 351tGIVING %4 0 93% SUSTAINABILITY .7t/e e e . 0 3t/e e ep yREPORTINGploy m lom0% INITIATIVES: CARBON Firm donation programMatched fundingfor employee donations OFFSETSInternal appeals and collectionsExternal charity events and appealsNET EMISSIONS LEGAL 376t - 5.1t per employeePRO BONOThese icons provide limited information about the firms legal pro bono commitment. More extensive ENVIRONMENTALinformation is reported by the Australian Pro BonoMANAGEMENT Centre and on individual firms websites.Click for further INITIATIVES:information from AusLSA: World Environment DayOffice green teamsRECYCLING100% 100% 80% 100% OFFICESPAPER102 98% USAGE 1 R.4k g/employ e e e cycled cont e ntINITIATIVES:Paperlite office programGreen accredited paper purchase specificationFollow me printingRecycled paper purchase specificationPAPER CERTIFICATION:NCOS Certified Carbon NeutralPEFC Australian Forestry standard'