b'BACK TO NAVIGATIONThe alignment of AusLSA measures with the Sustainable Development Goals.SustainableAusLSASustainableAusLSASustainableAusLSA DevelopmentReportingDevelopmentReportingDevelopmentReporting GoalGoalGoal Physical Climate ActionEnergy useWellbeing Carbon OffsetsTravelPsychologicalRenewable Offsets and Wellbeingenergy RenewablesPaper useProfessionalDiversity Climate Action Plans DevelopmentLGBTIQ+ Inclusion and Targets Non-legalGender Equality Sustainable Supply Volunteering ChainIndigenousEnergy useReconciliationTravelCarbon Offsets and RenewablesGender Equality Energy Legal Pro bonoefficiency buildingEthics and ConductinitiativesSustainability reportingAusLSA membershipandparticipationIt is important that AusLSA and its members can visualise and articulate their sustainability commitments through the lens of the Sustainable Development Goals. Sustainable Development Goal aware firms will also be able to demonstrate to their clients and other stakeholders how their commitments contribute to a recognised set of global priorities.Other Sustainable Development Goals In addition to those Sustainable Development Goals covered directly by AusLSA reporting, AusLSA also measures additional actions and activities undertaken by members that influence the remaining goals which are also measured in AusLSAs reporting. These activities include:Legal Pro Bono Programs Charitable GivingNon-Legal Volunteering Sustainable ProcurementAusLSA members also make strategic decisions about the type of business partnerships and markets they wish to develop and prioritise as a part of their purpose. This purpose can also demonstrate the firms values. Through their working relationships with their clients, law firms help to facilitate and deliver many projects and assist organisations that help deliver on the Sustainable Development Goals and targets.13'