b'2024 AusLSAOUR PEOPLE OUR ENVIRONMENTSUSTAINABILITY SUMMARY AND HIGHLIGHTS: SUMMARY AND HIGHLIGHTS:PROFILE We are driven by achieving our strategic ambitions and businessWe are committed to managing and reducing our impact on the objectives through a culture of inclusion and innovation. We deliver aenvironment. Gilchrist Connells Executive endorsed an EMS for high-performing, values-led workplace that provides professionallythe firm using the AusLSA framework in 2023. Since then the rewarding career opportunities, genuine work-life balance, and anfirm has published its Environmental Policy, established a authentic, inclusive, and safe working environment.Sustainability Committee and local action groups, and has Our Inclusion Committee champions our efforts through education,developed an Environmental Management Plan setting clear activities, and ongoing policy reviews. Our comprehensive wellbeingmeasurable goals as the firms progresses on its journey toward program, available to both employees and their families, supportsnet zero.individuals through various life circumstances and helps maintainConsistent with law firms throughout Australia, we have physical, mental, and financial fitness. We get personal when it comesidentified that our greatest impact on greenhouse gas emission to career development and support our people to set goals andis through electricity use and business flights/transport.We are pursue continuous learning with access to just in time learningimplementing measures to reduce these impacts. modules, live webinars, external and post graduate learningWe have remodelled our policy as to what is necessary travel. programs and individual mentoring and coaching.We are transitioning to green energy providers and engaging with building management on sustainability initiatives wherever We encourage giving back through pro bono work, volunteering, andpossible. impactful community giving. Recognised for four consecutive yearsWe have incorporated a number of business as usual by Australasian Lawyer as an Employer of Choice, we are proud toenvironmentally responsible practices across our offices also be a certified Great Place to Work and Family Friendly workplace.including appropriate recycling of all paper, cardboard, Recently, the WGEA recognised us as an Employer of Choice foraluminium, steel, plastic and glass materials and e-waste, use of Gilchrist Connell Gender Equality. We remain committed to continuously improving allrecycled paper, defaulting to a paper-less document management system, and investing in energy efficient our people programs, ensuring a supportive and inclusive Headcount:235 (FTE) environment for everyone.technologies.Our Pro Bono practice has been providing background Floor Area:3,064m2 advocacy support for a climate based charity providing reviews on just transition for Australian workers and research on climate Number of Offices : 5 refugees. Gilchrist Connell is a leading AustralianGENDER46% 60% 94% 63% CLIMATE insurance sector law firm. We operate across EQUALITY ACTIONAustralia and regularly assist clients with claims in New Zealand, Asia, Europe, US and the London market, as well as global insurersINITIATIVES:INITIATIVES: participating in multi-national insurance International Womens DayEmployer of Choice for Gender Equality TelecommutingEnergy efficient refits undertakenSpecify energyEquitable briefing pledge (e.g. CommBar/LCA)Host or lead external programs programs. We advise our insurer clients onand/or forumsFemale advancement, mentoring and coachingefficient appliancesTeleconferencing facilities and trainingEnd of trip complex coverage issues and we act in the Training - Gender awareness unconscious biasGender sensitive promotion andfacilitiesEfficient building and lighting automationForced computer defence of claims against insureds across allrecruitmentInternal D&I networks or committeesshutdownRenewable Electricity LSNSW Charter - Advancement of WomenEqual pay controlsShowcasing classes of general insurance. We also providegender diversity experiences GROSS EMISSIONSemployment, WHS, corporate and311t - 1.3t per employee commercial advice, and front-end solutions to businesses, including the insurance sector,INCLUSIVE29% 0%at all stages of their life cycle.WORKPLACE BUILDINGS 91tIn 2023 Gilchrist Connell was named29%0.0m 23t/Insurance Specialist Firm of the Year by Australasian Law Awards. Gilchrist ConnellINITIATIVES:0% 69%viewssocially responsible behaviour as a Recruitment and promotion for D&IInternal D&I networks or committees 220tMembership - DCAExternal D&I programs and/or forums hostingTrainingTRAVELmoral obligation, good business practice,- Awareness and unconscious biasStaff Surveys - D&ITraining - LGBTQ+0 71%. 9 1t/e e eand are committed to continuous reductionawarenessWear it Purple DayInternal LGBTQ+ networks or committees m lo ypin our carbon footprint. Core to our approachPro bono supportExternal LGBTQ+ programs hostingTraining - LGBTQ+ awarenessGender pronouns promotion 26% 0%are our everyday operating practices, suchGREEN as: ENERGY fair and equitable employmentFLEXIBLE sound day-to-day financial management WORKPLACE 26 8.0 100% NET EMISSIONSresponsible and fair treatment of all311t - 1.3t per employeeemployees, suppliers, clients, and stakeholdersINITIATIVES: prudent governance Flexible work hoursPart time optionsJob sharingRemote working tools and consistent contribution to industry andsystemsSupport for flexible workingTime in lieuUnpaid leaveCarers leaveENVIRONMENTAL professional bodies Study leaveVolunteering leaveReligious and ceremonial leave MANAGEMENT Purchased leaveCareer breaksPhased retirementAdjusted KPIs after generous contribution of pro bono servicesabsencesSabbaticalsBonus leaveDomestic violence leave to the community Family and fertility leave INITIATIVES: career development opportunities and Office green teams support for talented young professionalsPSYCHOLOGICAL CitySwitch Green Officeenlightened management practice.WELLBEING RECYCLING100% OFFICESINITIATIVES:R U OK? programPsychological support/ EAPMental health first aid training and supportMental Health Awareness WeekTraining - Mental health awareness and managementSalary continuanceDomestic violence strategyMentalPAPER health office championUSAGEPHYSICALINITIATIVES:Paperlite office programGreen accredited paper purchase specificationWELLBEINGFollow me printingRecycled paper purchase specificationPAPER CERTIFICATION:PEFC Australian Forestry standardINITIATIVES:Ergonomics programFlu vaccinationsInternal exercise sessionsTeam eventsWellness awareness and promotionOnsite fruit and healthy cateringLife & TPD insuranceHealth EAP'