b'GENERAL Legend ProgramsThe firm identifies and reduces modern slavery MEMBER exposure from procurementProgramsFirms identify and reduce adverse REPORTING NEWenvironmental and social impacts from procurement from new Suppliers or both new and existing suppliers SUPPLIERSONLYProgramsFormal processes are in place for; Risk Legend t/Management, Code of Conduct, Business Continuity and Complaints and GrievancesReportingAdditional sustainability reporting information collected and reported. AusLSA report published by the firm ReportingProgram participation measured and reported 71% 86% for non-legal volunteering and giving programsReportingStaff survey information is collected, shared and used in program development 38% 49% 59% 63% ResultsThe profile of women in; partner, legal and non-legal roles and annual senior promotions26 26 98% ResultsParental leave provided and rates of return from maternity leave ResultsGreenhouse gas emissions from offices tenancy 53% 0.32% 1.3% Electricity, Gas and Refrigerants 0.0m 21ResultsGreenhouse gas emissions from travel; Private Car, 0.07% 51% 2.7%Plane, and Taxi/Rideshare 0 . 4 4t/e e e 0 . 0 2t/e e em lo y m lo yp pResultsGreen energy purchased as a percentage of total62% 100%energy purchasesVoluntary carbon offsets purchasedResultsPercentage of offices with recycling programs in 100% 100% 100% 100% place. Paper, Comingles, Organics and ICT EquipmentResultsPaper use and recycled content32,641 88%2 2 e R ec ntk g/employ e ycled cont eFurther public informationFirm shares information about its different ESG related programs and commitments'